5 January 2021

Langworth Group Parish Council

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

Draft Minutes of the remote meeting held 5th January 2021.

Name of Meeting Ordinary Meeting

Location Remote Zoom Meeting

Time/Duration 19:30 – 20:16



Cllr M Herbert (MH) Chairman LGPC

Cllr P Bowser (PB) LGPC

Cllr A Hyatt (AH) LGPC

Cllr R Waite (RW) LGPC

Cllr A Curtis (AC) LGPC

Cllr J Machin (JM) LGPC

Cllr A Welburn WLDC

Cllr I Fleetwood LCC

Clerk S Hall LGPC


75.0 Open Forum

75.1 No members of the public were present.


76.0 Apologies and Absence

76.1 Apologies were received from Cllr Burnett


77.0 Declarations of Interest

77.1 Cllr Bowser said it would not be appropriate for him to be involved in the discussion and decision for item 79c.


78.0 To confirm the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 2020

78.1 The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 1 December 2020 were, approved as a true record of the meeting. Proposed PB Seconded MH all in favour.Clerk to post copy to the Chairman for signature and post on the  website.


79.0 Clerks Report

79.1 a) The financial report for the period 1 December 2020 to 31 December 2020, as appended below, was circulated to members prior to the meeting and presented to members at the meeting.

b) Approval of payments. The payments as listed in the financial report were approved by Members. Proposed JM, Seconded MH, all in favour. Clerk to make the payments.

c) Members resolved to appoint P Sharpe Joinery for repair of the bench on the A158, outside the Memorial Hall. Proposed RW Seconded JM. All in favour. Clerk to place an order.


80.0 To set the Budget for 2021-22

80.1 The Chairman explained the precept process to the council. In comparison to the elements of council tax for the County Council, Police and the District Council, the Parish Council element of the council tax bill is small. Nevertheless, it is public money and the council need to take care.

Members considered the items which make up the budget in four sections:

1) Running costs

2) Projects

3) End of year bank balance

4) Earmarked reserves

It was resolved to maintain the budget at 2021/22 level with small inflationary increases, except for a sum set aside for the provision of VAS signs which will be increased to £8,000 to provide for an additional sign.

There is also a need to set aside funds to settle the actuary fees and the deficit in the West Yorkshire Pension fund.

Overall Members resolved to set a provisional budget. This will be made up from a precept at the same level as 2020/21 with the balance made up from the council’s reserves. Clerk to finalise the budget details for ratification at the next meeting.


81.0 To Set the Precept for 2021-22

82.1 It was resolved to set the final precept for 2021-22 at £23,620 which will not, as far as the parish council is concerned, increase next year’s council tax bills.

Proposed AC Seconded JM. Vote: all in favour. Clerk to inform WLDC.


83.0 Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman

83.1 Councillor Welburn said that grants are available from West Lindsey District Council to help community groups through the Covid-19 crisis.

Councillor Fleetwood announced that Ferry Road at Fiskerton is closed for highway repairs and drivers should take care in icy driving conditions. The roads are treated but the salt may not be as effective during the low traffic volumes experienced during the current lockdown.


84.0 Date of Next Meeting

84.1 Tuesday 2nd February 2021 – 7:30 pm


Signed as a True Record of the Meeting