7 June 2022 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council  

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

E:mail: langworthgroupparishcouncil@gmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council held at Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 June 2022. 

Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), P Bowser, A Curtis, A Hyatt, J Machin, H Stilgoe-McCombe S Taylor, K Tyrrell, C/Cllr I Fleetwood (arrived at 7.37pm), D/Cllr A Welburn, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), and two members of the public.

Meeting began at 7.33pm.

    1. Public Forum:

One resident spoke to:

Give thanks and congratulations regarding the Jubilee event: an occasion to be proud of.

Ask who monitors Fosters Yard regarding asbestos

Note the parking of cars on the grass next to Carpenters Close

The Chairman replied i) echoing the sentiments regarding the Jubilee event; ii) that the Fosters Yard matter would be considered under item 7 below; and iii) he, and C/Cllr I Fleetwood, would be attending a site meeting with LCC on 20th June 2022; to review and consider parking.

The second resident then spoke on the following:

Thanked the Chairman for following up on Fosters Yard concerns and for keeping her updated.

Regarding planning applications 144144 and 144110; she noted that the original application had been 142146 (Dec 2020).  The Environment Agency had responded at that time and stipulations had been mentioned.

Asked if the previously considered 30mph speed limit along the A158 be revisited. It was confirmed that parish council decisions cannot be revisited within 6 months.

2. Apologies: Cllr R Waite

3. Declarations of Interest: Cllr M Herbert declared an interest regarding planning application 144897 (item 11d) as he owns a property at the rear of the site. He will not debate or vote on this item.

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3 May 2022:

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3 May 2022 as a true record; and these were duly signed.  Proposed:  Cllr J Machin, seconded: Cllr P Bowser. All in favour. Action: Clerk

5. To elect a vice-chairman:

This will be revisited in May 2023.

6. To review the Action Log:

The Action Log was reviewed. Many tasks have been completed, with updates given as follows:

Encroaching hedge at Stainton by Langworth, road over railway bridge going towards Scothern –

LCC have advised that they are taking appropriate enforcing action, although this could take some time. RESOLVED to write direct to the resident.  Action: Clerk

Poor residential parking across village –

A site meeting; to review and consider parking concerns in the Langworth area; is scheduled with LCC at 10am on 20th June 2022; to be attended by Cllr M Herbert and C/Cllr I Fleetwood.

7. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman:

C/Cllr I Fleetwood:

Noted the above-mentioned meeting with LCC on 20th June 2022 to consider parking issues.

Offered his assistance to set up and erect the speed indicator devices when delivered.

In respect of discussions concerning the 30mph v. 40mph speed limit on the A158 road – following a recent accident, LCC has opened a dialogue with Highways. Both C/Cllr I Fleetwood and LCC have received further related correspondence.

If the Parish Council are supportive for the consultation to take place; then LCC are agreeable to reopen the old consultation.This is subject to the Clerk writing to LCC to confirm the Parish Council’s support for the scheme. If the consultation does go ahead, then the onus will be on LCC to reduce the speed limit to 30mph.

Comments were then taken from Councillors to include:

Against a speed reduction as speed indicator devices are to be installed.

The parish council has previously considered matters; resolving not to support a reduction to 30mph.

Residents have approached councillors with concerns about the 40mph limit.

Drivers take no notice of vehicle activated signs, so why would they take notice of a 30mph limit.

Pedestrians on pavements are being blown by draughts from vehicles, which is unsafe.

What are LCC’s arguments in support of 30mph working.

The Chairman noted that the room was divided on the subject.  In the four months until the Parish Council can revisit its earlier resolution on the matter, Councillors were requested to give it further consideration. Subject to any councillor requesting it be an agenda item, the parish council will then revisit it at the appropriate time.

At 8.16pm, C/Cllr I Fleetwood and one resident left the meeting.

D/Cllr A Welburn – her report had been circulated. She requested that Jubilee events and activities be notified to WLDC for publicising.

Chairman – nothing to report.

8. Highways:

a. Working group report on progress re vehicle activated signs (VAS):

The Chairman has met with Lincs Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) to identify suitable locations for the VAS signs.  They confirm that solar power works well, both day and night. He then outlined the process to fit the VAS signs. The anticipated costs are £600 for the posts, and £5000.00 (both plus VAT) for two VAS signs.

RESOLVED to agree expenditure of £600.00 + VAT for supply and installation of two posts.  Action: Clerk

Proposed: Cllr J Machin, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.  All in favour.

RESOLVED to purchase two solar panel signs (Elancity) at anticipated cost of £5000.00+ VAT. Action: Clerk

Proposed:  Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr A Curtis.  All in favour.

Noted that there is £4000.00 in Earmarked Reserves; with the balance to be taken from the General funds.

Noted that LRSP had advised that the parish is unlikely to have ‘proper’ speed cameras fitted; but that this can form part of the debate in four months’ time; subject to any councillors requesting it be put on the agenda.

b. A158/The Meadows accident and residents’ calls for a 30mph speed limit:

Sympathy was expressed for the recent crash; and it was reiterated that matters can be revisited in four months’ time; subject to any councillors requesting it be put on the agenda

c. State of pavement on Barlings Lane:

The pavement is deteriorating and is unsafe.  Whilst the meeting with LCC on 20th June 2022 will focus primarily on roads, the Chairman will also mention footpath concerns.

d. Gates at entrances to the village, inc. where funding will come from:

Action: Clerk to bring information to a future meeting, for discussion.

9. Correspondence

a. To note only:

C/Cllr Fleetwood, May Briefing; D/Cllr A Welburn: June report; Police newsletter – June, LCC temporary traffic restriction, Stainton Road, Reasby, 6th – 8th June for Anglian Water new water connection.

Action needed:

Flooding complaint –

Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe noted complaints received from residents. The Chairman summarised past Parish Council actions, including the purchase of sand; and money being made available for residents; but this offer was not taken up.  A meeting between Anglian Water and LCC to review the situation had concluded that remedial work would be prohibitively expensive; requiring a consortium to reach a solution, and that other areas are more severely affected so have higher priority. Anglian Water can assist individual residents eg it has door closer systems available.

10. Update from Memorial Hall committee – The Jubilee event was a success and was enjoyed by all.

11. Planning

a. To consider any update/required actions in respect of the Langworth Neighbourhood Plan:

Cllr A Hyatt has met with Nev Brown of WLDC, who fully supports extending the designated area to be included.The correct details of the villages’ footprint are required as part of this process.

b. 144812, Taradent, Station Road, single storey extension (consult period ended, no comments from Cllrs):

RESOLVED that this application is not supported.

Nil in favour, 1 against, 7 abstentions.Action: Clerk

Noted that WLDC Officers should be encouraged to review the footprint of the property.

c. 144876, Abbey View, Low Barlings, proposed extensions and alterations, resubmission of 143444:

RESOLVED to support this application. Five in favour.  Action: Clerk

d. 144897, Reserved Matters Application: approval of reserved matters to erect 20no. dwellings considering access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following outline planning permission 139764 granted 19 December 2019; LOCATION: Land off Barlings Lane Langworth Lincoln LN3 5DF:

Cllr M Herbert had declared an interest. A recent public consultation had been attended by approx.30 residents.Councillors expressed concerns regarding surface water, drainage, fluvial flooding, and that the sewage plant has not been enlarged.

RESOLVED to support this application. Five in favour, one abstention. Action: Clerk

Cllr A Curtis left the meeting at 9.13pm, then returned at 9.17pm.

12. Langworth Local – consider moving online:

The outgoing editor’s last edition was the June 2022 issue.Gratitude was expressed to Mr Clive Buttress and the volunteer distributors for their unstinting efforts. It was noted i) that the magazine lacks local articles, and ii) that there has been difficulty in increasing advertising revenue.

Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe has applied for the vacant role of editor (recently advertised) and has ideas to reinvigorate the magazine.She would undertake this role as a resident, not as a Councillor, and providing these boundaries are maintained, then this is acceptable.

Noted that many people prefer to be online, but also that many cannot access online or want to. It was agreed to defer discussion on online content to a later date.

a.to appoint Hazel Stilgoe-McCombe (as a resident) as Langworth Local Editor, producing the usual hard copy version, but also to introduce a light online presence via a Facebook page. Action: Clerk

Proposed: Cllr J Machin, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.All in favour.

Standing Orders were suspended at 9.30pm to allow the meeting to continue.

 13. Play Area – update on repairs: Noted that the required repairs of immediate concern had been addressed and dealt with before the Platinum Jubilee weekend.  Item deferred to next agenda. Action: Clerk

14. Clerks Report

a. To receive the financial report: A financial report was given (see below).

b. Approval of payments: as previously circulated: RESOLVED to approve payments (see below)

Proposed: Cllr A Curtis, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.  All in favour.  Action: Clerk

15. Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22

a. To receive the Internal Audit Report 2021/2022:

The report was received.It was noted that all internal control objectives had been met; and that an income and expenditure report had been provided.

b. To resolve to approve Section 1- Annual Governance Statement 2021/2022:

The Annual Governance Statement 2021/22 had been circulated; and was duly confirmed.

RESOLVED that this be approved and signed.

c. To resolve to approve Section 2 - Accounting Statements 2021/2022:

The Accounting Statement for 2021/22 had been circulated.RESOLVED that this be approved. 

Proposed: Cllr A Curtis, seconded:Cllr M Herbert

Action: clerk to complete all audit requirements.

16. Resolve to move into Closed Session as the following contains information of a confidential or sensitive nature:

RESOLVED to move into Closed Session due to information of a confidential or sensitive nature.

17. Clerk’s Annual Pay Review – as per terms of contract:

RESOLVED to move the Clerk to NALC Salary Scale point 24 effective from 1st July 2022.

18. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 5th July 2022, 7.30pm at Langworth Memorial Hall

Meeting ended at 9.49pm.

Michelle Vail, Clerk/RFO to the Council, Dated: 31st May 2022

LANGWORTH GROUP PARISH COUNCIL - BANK RECONCILIATION 1st May - 31st May 2022                              

       CURRENT ACCOUNT, ACCOUNTS PAID.                                     

01/05/2022, OPENING BALANCE, £13786.54.

09/05/2022 , M VAIL, EXPENSES, £73.30.

09/05/2022, LONSDALE PRINT, £148.00.

09/05/2022, WELTON PARISH COUNCIL, £20.00.

09/05/2022, LALC, WEBSITE MAINT. FEE, £60.00.

09/05/2022, ALLEN SIGNS, £464.36.


18/05/2022 , SAGE, £8.40.

19/05/2022 , HMRC, PAYE, 0.40p.

19/05/2022, LCC PENSION, £170.79.

19/05/2022, LANGWORTH LOCAL EDITOR, £175.62.

19/05/2022, M VAIL, SALARY, MAY, £576.01.        




DEPOSIT ACCOUNT.                                            

01/05/2022, OPENING BALANCE, £48450.14.

09/05/2022 , INTEREST, 0.32p.      




Accounts for Payment in June.                                                       

Office Utilities Internet, June, M Vail , £22.50.

Mileage 12 miles @45p/mile, post notices, M Vail, £ 5.40.

M Vail expenses, paper/printing, £28.60.

M Vail, reimburse for 3 x CSW signs, £30.00.

M Vail, salary, PAYE, pension, June, £747.20.

Langworth Local Editor, Inv 040, £175.62.

Langworth Local Editor, back pay, pay rise, £47.40.

Lonsdale Print, estimated, £148.00.

Welton PC, play area inspection, £20.00.

Sage payroll, £8.40.

Glendale April, Inv 03449, £675.85.

Glendale May, estimated, £ 675.85.

Chris Rooke Management Ltd, internal audit fee, £243.00.

TOTAL, £2827.82.


Ear Marked Reserves.                                                       

Elections reserve, £4,000.00.                     

VAS sign installation, ££4,000.00.               

Grant expenditure, £1,900.00.                    

Total, £9,900.00.