7 July 2020

Langworth Group Parish Council

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Longworth and Reasby


Approved Minutes 7 July 2020

Ordinary Meeting Remote Meeting 19:30 - 20:15



Cllr M Herbert (MH) Chairman, Cllr P Bowser (PB), Cllr J Machin (JM), Cllr A Curtis (AQ), Cllr C Hill (CH) WLDC, Cllr C Darcel (CP) WLDC, Cllr Fleetwood (IF) LCC, Clerk S Hall


21.0 Open Forum

21.1 The meeting was advertised on the council's website and all four notice boards. No members of the public made a request to join the meeting.


22.0 Apologies and Absence

22.1 Councillor Burnett, Councillor Waite.


23.0 Declarations of Interest

23.1 None


24.0 To Confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on June 2020

24.1 The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 2 June 2020 were approved as a true record of the meeting. Proposed: JM, Seconded: PB. Vote: unanimous. Clerk to publish on the website and provide a summary for publication in the Langworth Local.


25.0 Matters arising from the previous meeting.


a) Proposed Speed Indicator Sign (SID). Councillors to review the need for a SID sign when the effect of the proposed 30mph speed is clear. A different legend may also be required.

b) Langworth Flooding risks. County Councillor Fleetwood Provided an update: Anglian Water aware of the issue and it is they who are looking into the November flood and not The Environment Agency or the local drainage board. Any practical improvement of flood alleviation works will go through a process to determine prioritisation and funding. It could take years.


26.0 Clerks Report


a) The financial report for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 May 2020, as appended below, was circulated to !Tiembers prJ2r t9 the meeting.

b) Approval of payments. The payments as listed in the financial report was approved by Members.

Proposed PB, Seconded JM, All in favour. Clerk to make the payments.

c) Certification of accounts for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. The report, as previously circulated to members was approved. Proposed: JM, seconded by AH. Vote: unanimous. Clerk to forward the annual return to the Government Auditor PKF Littlejohn.

d) LGPC Website, Clerk to forward access details to MH so that someone, in addition to the clerk has editing access.


27.0 Correspondence

27.1 E-mail from a resident regarding the poor condition of the A158 road surface. Members agreed defect reports need to be specific. Clerk to contact the resident and offer to r port specific defects on behalf of LGPC.


28.0 Proposed 30mph Speed Limit A158 Langworth

28.1 LCC has informed they intend to advertise the proposal  in a  local  newspaper  and provided a copy of the public notice for the council. Clerk to circulate, have it published in the LL and post it on the website. IF confirmed the scheme aligns with LCC speed limit policy and may be implemented by November if all goes well.


29.0 Langworth Local Report

29.1 Members noted the report about the LL which was previously circulated and is appended below.


30.0 Planning

30.1 Application 141149: Change of use: holiday let to residential, Stainton by Langworth. Members discussed the application and one commented: it should remain as a holiday let. IF explained that planning consents may have conditions which can be removed by application. In any case an application should fit in with planning policy. Clerk to post Members comments of the WLDC planning portal.

In general, there were no objections but there are concerns about planning policy.


31.0 Chairman's comments

31.1 The chairman invited Cllr Darcel to speak about the flooding issues. CD said there is growing support from councillors for flood alleviation schemes at Fiskerton, Langworth and the Government has set aside funding for shovel ready schemes.

31.2 The Chairman commented on an e-mail received from Emery planning. It came too late to put on the agenda. Clerk to write to Emery, thank them for the information and explain, due the time frame and the difficulties because of virtual meetings the council are not positioned to respond. Suggest to them that maybe they should organise an open public consultation evening and gather responses from everyone if that is what they are wanting.


32.0 Date of Next Meeting

32.1 Tuesday 1 September 2020 – 7:30 pm Venue: Langworth Memorial Hall


Signed as a True Record of the Meeting

Chairman 1 September 2020


Langworth Group Parish Council 1 July 2020 to 31 August 2020

Current Account



Money In

Money Out



Opening balance





Transfer in from deposit account





Clerk June expenses





Glendale grass cuttting





Lonsdale print





Welton PC play area inspection





Clerk Salary & PAYE July





Langworth Local Editor July





LCC Grass cutting contribution





Clerk July expenses





Clerk Salary & PAYE August


-583 .44



Langworth Local Editor August







-£3,244 .64


Deposit Account



Money In I

Money Out



Opening Balance





Transfer to current account




















Accounts for payment in September

a) Office Utilities Internet expenses - August22.50

b) Post meeting notices 28/8/2020, 12 mile 45p/mile5.40

c) Curry's Renew microsoft licence64.99

d) Hand sanitiser, wipes and vinyl gloves17.47

e) Clerk Net Pay - September 2020466.75

f) Clerk PAYE - September 2020116.60

g) Langworth local editor - September 2020 - Inv 019171.84

h) Glendale grass cutting - Inv 02513641.64

i) Memorial Hall hire 4 feb, 3 Mar 2020 30.00

j) Lonsdale Print - Inv 244196 99.00

Total to be paid £1,636.19


Ear Marked Reserves

Elections reserve


S137 Local Gov Act expenditure


VAS sign installation


Grant expenditure


