Langworth Group Parish Council
Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby
E:mail: langworthgroupparishcouncil@gmail.com
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council held at
Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5 March 2024
Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), R Waite, A Curtis, A Hyatt, S Taylor, P Bowser, Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe, 
Mrs M Vail (Clerk), C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr C Darcel, D/Cllr M Palmer, D/Cllr T Bridgwood. 
There was one member of the public.
Meeting began at 7.31pm
1. Public Forum: There was no public representation.
2. Apologies: Cllr K Tyrrell.  
3. Declarations of Interest: None.
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6 February 2024.
RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 6th February 2024 as a true record, and these were duly signed. Action: Clerk.
Proposed: Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.  All in favour.
5. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman:
C/Cllr I Fleetwood:
Road closures are planned beyond the parish, and work is planned for the railway crossing.
Flood matters: nothing has been heard from Witham Third Drainage Board since the recent Public Flood Meeting; the Environment Agency (EA) has begun repairs to the River Eau bank (Stainfield Fen side) which could last up to 12 weeks; nothing has been heard from the EA about when repairs will take place to the bank on the other side of the River Eau; and one farmer is debating at senior levels what approaches, such as flood storage, can be considered. 
D/Cllr T Bridgwood:
WLDC has approved its 2024-25 budget.  This will mean a £7.01 increase for a Band D property. 
C/Cllr I Fleetwood noted that the budget only allows for street cleaning in Gainsborough.  The Opposition had tried to amend the budget to allocate resources so the whole of the District would receive the same street cleaning service, but this had been lost by the political vote. 
The Chairman noted that some areas do appear to receive preferential treatment both in services and in where budgets are spent.
D/Cllr M Palmer:
Two new Enforcement Officers are being appointed.  Fly tippers have been prosecuted; and retail premises in Gainsborough have been shut down for selling illegal cigarettes.
D/Cllr C Darcel:
There are huge flooding and water supply issues across the whole of the Fens which require in depth investigation. He is extremely concerned as it is obvious what the future will bring.   
The Chairman noted the EA’s focus on response once a flood has happened, rather than looking to the future. 
Cllr K Tyrrell has provided an update on the New Station as follows: the owner has advised that he has spent upwards of £20,000 on planning and development to date and is now considering selling the site.
6. To review the Action Log:
Many jobs have been completed.  Updates were provided as follows:
Neighbourhood Plan (NP) – future adverts will be more widespread across social media platforms through the use of the Canva application. Some residents have expressed an interest in volunteering.
Church Lych Gate -   Cllr P Bowser is obtaining a quote for remedial works and is liaising with the curate.
Defibrillator for Stainton.  Cllr P Bowser is liaising with the curate as this is an accessible building with the required electricity supply.
Emergency Plan – the curate has been approached for use of the Church as a Control Centre, and is making her own enquiries. A Team needs to be established, and a date needs to be set for a desktop exercise.  Action:  Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe to set meeting up.
7. Clerks Report
a) Receive the financial report: 
RESOLVED to approve the financial report. Action: Clerk 
Proposed: Cllr Stilgoe-McCombe, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.  All in favour.  
(Note: approval to pay all regular accounts was made at the May 2023 meeting).
b) Approve any non-regular payments: None to pay.
c) Note Cllr J Machin’s resignation: 
Noted. Co-option to the vacancy will be possible after 14th March 2024 should 10 electors of Newball parish not have requested an election beforehand.  
RESOLVED with one abstention (Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe) to advertise the vacancy in Langworth Local. Action: Clerk.
Proposed: Cllr M Herbert, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.
d) Condition of Barlings Lane noticeboard:
The noticeboard has deteriorated badly and is no longer fit for purpose.
Action: Clerk to obtain quotes for a replacement.  Action: Cllr M Herbert to secure door shut.
e) Note Clerk’s annual leave w/c 18th March 2024: Noted.
8. Flooding Matters:
a) Langworth Flood Public Meeting on 7th February 2024:
The meeting, chaired by C/Cllr I Fleetwood, was attended by 87 members of the public. The Panel included representatives from the EA, Witham Third (x 2), WLDC (x 2), and LCC. It had been a well informed and well-run meeting.  Although it was considered that no real information had come out of the meeting, residents had had opportunity to speak and explain their situations to the Panel.
b) Update from Environment Agency advising on temporary repair work to the Barlings Eau (follows Fiskerton and Barlings Eau meetings in February with landowners and farmers):
The update was noted. C/Cllr I Fleetwood advised that he had spoken with WLDC about Fosters Yard.  The bund has been improved by the developer so this should mean that any future flood surges won’t breach via that location.
9. Speed cameras:
a) Consider relocation of one speed indicator device: LRSP response, approve any expenditure:
LRSP have no objections to the SID being relocated to opposite Stainton Lane. RESOLVED that the SID be relocated at a cost of £300.00 for a new mounting post. C/Cllr I Fleetwood advised that the solar panel also requires moving; and an extra bracket will be required.  Action: Clerk.
Proposed; Cllr R Wall, seconded: Cllr P Bowser, All in favour.
Noted that there has been a suggestion made previously to consider an additional SID for Barlings Lane.  Action: Clerk to obtain quote.
A further suggestion was then made for an additional mounting post for the railway crossing end of the village, and it was agreed this is a matter for a future meeting. 
10. Play Area:
a) Lapsed lease: proposal to ask Memorial hall Committee for new contract:
Noted that the Trustee who had originally signed the lease is no longer a Trustee, and that a lease is required that is signed by a current Trustee(s).  It was considered that it is not for the Parish Council to chase this matter.
b) Vacancy for Parish Champion: Item deferred. Correspondence has been received suggesting that the play area receive a spruce up and suggesting that a group of volunteers could do this.  
RESOLVED to 1) obtain quotes and 2) approach Memorial Hall Committee.
Proposed:  Cllr M Herbert, seconded Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe
Action: Clerk, Cllr A Hyatt.
11. Planning:
a) 147914: removal of existing cold food store and erection of replacement: Woodside Wildlife Park Bardney Road Newball LN3 5DQ:
After consideration, RESOLVED that there are no objections.  All in favour.  Action: Clerk
Proposed:  Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr A Curtis.  All in favour.
b) 147926: remove existing agricultural building and erect 1no. dwelling: Land at Gate Cliffe Farm Bardney Road Newball Lincoln LN3 5DQ
After consideration, RESOLVED that there are no objections.  All in favour.  Action: Clerk
Proposed:  Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe seconded: Cllr A Curtis.  All in favour.
12. Correspondence:
a) LCC request to help identify suitable locations for future EV charge points, and for sustainable travel ideas eg cycle stands, more footpaths, improved bus stops:
Several suggestions were made.  Action:  Clerk to submit these to LCC.
b) LCC request for input on suggested new location for Scothern Lane gritbin:
All agreed that the grit bin should remain in its current location.  Action: Clerk to advise LCC.
13. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 2nd April 2024
Meeting ended at 8.38pm.
Michelle Vail – Clerk/RFO to the Council                                                  Dated: 25 March 2024

BANK RECONCILIATION, 1st Feb - 29th Feb 2024                                                                

CURRENT ACCOUNT                                                                      

01/02/2024, OPENING BALANCE, £1248.15         

15/02/2024, Transfer in from deposit account, £ 2000.00,             

15/02/2024, M Vail, expenses, £ 39.40,  

15/02/2024, Langworth Memorial Hall, hire for public flood meeting, £30.00,      

15/02/2024, WLDC, Annual defib fee, £100.00,

15/02/2024, Ian Fleetwood, reimburse for SID sundries, £19.99,

15/02/2024, LALC, Annual subs 2024 – 25, £249.40,        

15/02/2024, LALC, Annual Training Scheme 2024 – 25, £150.00,

16/02/2024, Sage, £9.60,

19/02/2024, LCC Pension, Feb, £262.34,               

19/02/2024, Mrs M Vail, salary, Feb, £771.04,    



DEPOSIT ACCOUNT                                                                        

01/02/2024, OPENING BALANCE, £47953.31      

09/02/2024, Interest, £52.95,    

15/02/2024, Transfer out to current account, £2000.00,



Non-regular Accounts for Payment in March,       NIL                                                                       


Ear Marked Reserves                                                                                     

Elections reserve, £4,000.00                                      

CIL monies, £2,655.40                                  

Total, £6,655.40