3 March 2020

Langworth Group Parish Council

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

Draft Minutes 3 March 2020

Name Of Meeting - Ordinary Meeting

Location - Langworth Memorial Hall

Time/Duration - 19:30 – 20:45


Those Present

Cllr M Herbert (MH) Chairman LGPC, Cllr P Bowser (PB) LGPC, Cllr J Machin (JM) LGPC, Cllr A Curtis (AC) LGPC, Cllr R Waite (RW) LGPC, Cllr A Hyatt (AH) LGPC, Cllr I Fleetwood (IF) LCC, Cllr A Welburn (AW) WLDC, Cllr C Darcel (CD) WLDC, Cllr C Hill (CH) WLDC, Clerk S Hall LGPC


123.0 Open Forum


123.1 One member of the public was present who asked about the public consultation for development at Langworth. The Parish Council has not been involved in this consultation. It was arranged by the developer. The plans at present are a public consultation. Since the Langworth settlement has reached the growth target set out in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan (CLLP) the developers will need to demonstrate overwhelming public support for their proposals. There are no firm proposals at present. Cllr AW added that the CLLP is under review.


124.0 Apologies and Absence

124.1 Councillor Burnett


125.0 Declarations of Interest

125.1 As a member of the WLDC planning committee, CH declared interest in planning matters


126.0 To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 February 2020

126.1 The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 4 February 2020 were approved as a true as a true record of the meeting. Proposed: JM, Seconded: PB. Vote – unanimous. Clerk to publish on the website and provide a summary for publication in the Langworth Local.


127.0 Matters arising from the previous meeting.


a) Proposed Speed Indicator Sign (SID). Following discussions, it was confirmed that the PC should seek to install a SID sign, like the one at Welton, on a freestanding post and with a permanent electricity supply. Clerk to seek highway authority approval and get quotations.

b) Langworth Flooding risks report. Two firms of consultants have been asked to carry a flood risk assessment. One declined the invitation the other did not reply. MH explained for those who were not present at the last meeting: It was resolved to ask a consultant to price up a flood risk survey. Several comments were made regarding the recent flood events:

1) PB sked why the Anglian water (AW) pump failed.

2) AH said there was a contradiction: AW say the infrastructure can cope with the flood events; residents say it cannot.

3) MH including the 20 new dwellings at Barlings Lane there will probably be 50 new dwellings feeding into the sewage system. Maybe it cannot cope?

4) AC has reported blocked gullies at Barlings Lane, water runs onto his drive.

5) JM Sudbrooke Lane end flooded, gullies were cleaned out and it is now OK.

AH proposed a letter be sent to AW asking them to carry out a flood risk assessment.

Seconded by JM. Vote: all in favour. Clerk to write to AW to say:

In view of the recent weather events and concerns expressed by residents affected by the sewer capacity overload/failure could we ask AW to review and carry out a detailed assessment of the suitability of existing sewerage arrangements for Langworth before further development is commenced. Approval granted in Dec 2019 covers surface water drainage but does not mention foul water and sewerage capacity.

127.2 The Clerk briefed members on the effort that has been made to secure grant funding to assist the project. CLLR Welburn provided information about the WLDC match funding grant. Subsequently the clerk met with a WLDC officer who has provided details of the scheme. Clerk to pursue.


128.0 Correspondence

128.1 Letter from WLDC which permits the PC to co-opt a councillor to replace Hazel Walker. Clerk to post the notice.


129.0 Clerks Report

129.1 The clerk presented reports:

a) A previously circulated bank reconciliation report showing the income and expenditure for the month ending 29 February 2020 which also lists the accounts for payment was read by the clerk. Report appended below.

b) Members were asked to approve payments listed in the financial report. Proposed by JM seconded by RW. Vote; unanimous. Clerk to make the payments.

c) Grass cutting tender. Members approved the placing of an order with Glendale Services. Eight cuts for the sum of £2,517.60.


130.0 Planning

130.1 Application 140649 Glinde – Station Road Langworth – home extension. Information from the Environment Agency was poor. Clerk was asked to place to place comment on the WLDC planning portal: A proper risk assessment of the flood risk from the Beck in the vicinity of this development needs to be carried out.


131.0 Chairman’s comments

130.1 The chairman asked Members to let the Clerk know prior to the meeting their agenda items and thanked everyone for attending.

132.0 Date of Next Meeting

132.1 Tuesday 7 April 2020 – 7:30 pm at the Langworth Memorial Hall


Signed as a True Record of the Meeting

Chairman 7 April 2020


Financial Statement – Month ending 29 February 2020

Current Account



Money In

Money Out



Opening balance





Clerks expenses





Langworth Memorial Hall





Transfer to deposit account





Clerk Pay and PAYE





Editor Langworth Local





Welton - play area inspections









Deposit Account



Money In

Money Out



Opening Balance










Transfer to current account









Accounts to be passed for payment 4/2/19

a) Office Utilities Internet November 22.50

b) 27/2/20 Post mtg notices 12 miles @ 45p/mile 5.40

c) Clerk Net Pay – March 466.75

d) Clerk PAYE – March 116.60

e) Langworth local editor - March Inv 010 166.00

f) LALC subscription 2020/21 168.16

g) Lonsdale print 116.25

h) Welton PC play area inspection MISC/20/147 20.00

Total to be paid £1,081.66

Ear Marked Reserves

Elections reserve £4,000.00

S278 expenditure £2,000.00

VAS sign installation £4,000.00

Grant expenditure £1,900.00

Total £11,900.00