6 July 2021 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council  

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

E:mail: langworthgroupparishcouncil@gmail.com

Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 6th July 2021 at

Langworth Memorial Hall

 Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), P Bowser, A Hyatt, J Machin, K Tyrrell, S Taylor, D/Cllr A Welburn, and Mrs M Vail (Clerk). One member of the public was also in attendance.               

Meeting started at 8.00pm.       


1. Public Forum: There was no public representation.

2. Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Curtis, Cllr Waite and D/Cllr Darcel

3. Declarations of Interest: No declarations were made.

4. Minutes of previous meetings:

a. To approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 1 June 2021

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the Annual Meeting held on 1 June 2021 as a true record of the meeting; and these were duly signed.

Proposed: Cllr Machin, seconded: Cllr Taylor.All in favour.

5. Highways: Working group report on progress re vehicle activated signs:

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership have advised that LGPC will need to seek its own funding.They consider that solar powered signs will be fine.Cllr Curtis is investigating the possibility of obtaining discounted prices for bulk purchase.Noted that nearby villages are increasingly erecting similar signs.Cllr Herbert expressed continuing concerns about solar powered signs; and noted that local villages are not liaising with one another.

  1. Correspondence
  2. a. LCC – update from consultation regarding Barlings Lane traffic restrictions:

LCC had confirmed that the consultation is in regard to the proposed waiting restrictions at the junction of Barlings Lane, ie yellow lines from Barlings Lane to the A158.  A public consultation has taken place, but it is not known who was made aware of it; or took part in it.  As yet, LCC have not set a date for the relevant committee to discuss.  Cllr Herbert will attend the committee meeting once its date is known.  Action: clerk



b. Lincolnshire Police – enhancing provision of Neighbourhood Policing: Noted

c. ROSPA – annual external play area inspection booked in for August 2021: Noted. 

d. LALC - suggested paid website support service:

e. The website volunteer currently providing free support to parish councils may be moving to a paid service under the auspices of LALC. The clerk would prefer to continue running the website and only call on assistance if needed if this will be an option on offer.

f. Police Newsletter – June 2021: Noted

g. WLDC Parish News – June 2021: Noted

h. WLDC Press Release – Heritage Assets: Noted

i. WLDC Press Release – Solar Panels on New Depot: Noted

j. WLDC Community Defibrillator Service Membership Scheme:

A volunteer currently checks the defibrillator, and it was queried if anybody oversees the volunteer. Action: clerk to investigate.Item to be revisited.

k/ Snow blower and gritter – request to hand over to new snow warden volunteers:

The consensus is that this is a valuable service which should be retained.

Action: clerk to establish:

if the equipment requires moving immediately

insurance requirements (storing and using it)

maintenance and servicing needs

training needs

are the items listed on the asset register

There may be suitable storage at the Memorial Hall.Manager will investigate and report back.


7. Planning:

a. Application 142146: for the removal of all existing buildings to be replaced by 14no. new rural enterprise units for business use. LOCATION: Fosters Yard, Station Road, LN3 5BD:

Noted that this application has a new planning number allocated; but a previous application in respect of Fosters Yard had been made which LGPC had been in favour of.

RESOLVED to submit comments to WLDC that LGPC remains in favour, as per previous application.

Proposed: Cllr Machin, seconded: Cllr Hyatt.  All in favour.  Action: clerk

b. Application 142837: security fencing with pedestrian and vehicular access gates including 2no. metal storage containers. LOCATION: Lincoln District Scout Camp Site, Sudbrooke Lincoln, LN2 2QZ:

Noted that this had been sent in error as the location falls within Sudbrooke Parish.

8. Policy Review – Members to approve LGPC Policies:

01 – Complaints Procedure

02 - Disciplinary Procedure and Policy

03 - Fly posting Policy

04 – Grievance Policy and procedure

RESOLVED to approve without amendment the Complaints Procedure and Fly Posting Policy.

Proposed: Cllr Bowser, seconded: Cllr Machin.  All in favour.

The clerk advised on minor changes to both the Disciplinary Procedure and Policy; and the Grievance Policy and Procedure.  RESOLVED to approve these two policies with the suggested amendments.  Proposed: Cllr Bowser, seconded: Cllr Machin. All in favour.

Action: clerk to update policies and circulate.

9. Clerks Report

a. To receive the financial report: as previously circulated:

A financial report was given (attached below).

b. Approval of payments: as previously circulated:

Reports have been received that the grass in Barlings appeared to have not been cut in June; and that cuts are now more sporadic making it harder to inspect. Action: clerk to enquire of contractor; and to ensure payment is only made for what was cut.

RESOLVED to approve payments as listed in the financial report (attached below).Action: clerk

Proposed: Cllr Bowser, seconded: Cllr Hyatt.All in favour.

c. To approve LGPS Employers Discretion Statement (WYPF Pension):

It is a requirement of the pension provider that this policy (as circulated) be adopted by the employer. RESOLVED to approve the LGPS Employers Discretion Statement (WYPF Pension).

Proposed:  Cllr Herbert, seconded: Cllr Hyatt.  All in favour. Action: clerk to re-circulate.

10. Safety concerns – Dunholme Lane Bridge (Cllr Bowser)

The clerk read out a resident’s letter detailing an incident at this bridge and serious concerns regarding the legality and safety of the bridge.

RESOLVED to move matters forward by writing to LCC’s bridge ‘’expert’; to share with LCC the resident’s letter (permission to share given); and to request that they meet Cllr Bowser on site to discuss the issues and concerns.

Proposed: Cllr Bowser, seconded: Cllr Machin.All in favour.

Action: clerk

11. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman:

There were no comments from C/Cllr Fleetwood, D/Cllr Darcel, D/Cllr Hill.D/Cllr Welburn had provided a report (circulated).

Chairman’s comments had been made earlier in the meeting.The clerk advised her forthcoming annual leave for two weeks commencing 9 August.

Standing orders were then briefly suspended at 8.55pm to note handover of a gift to outgoing clerk, Mr Stan Hall, and to discuss a card and present for Cllr S Burnett who had recently stepped down. Standing Orders resumed at 8.58pm

12. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 7th September 2021, 7.30pm, Langworth Memorial Hall

Meeting ended at 8.59pm


Michelle Vail – Clerk/RFO to the Council Dated: 8 July 2021


Langworth Group Parish Council

1st June to 30th June 2021



Current Account Accounts Paid

01/06/2021, Opening balance, £1,535.55

09/06/2021, Clerk expenses, May, S Hall, £63.64

09/06/2021, LL Editor, £171.84

09/06/2021, Welton Parish Council, £20.00

09/06/2021, Lonsdale Print, £123.00 

09/06/2021, Chris Rooke, Internal Auditor, £156.00  

09/06/2021, Glendale, £388.98  

09/06/2021, Transfer in from deposit account, £ 3,000.00     

09/06/2021, Clerk expenses, May, M Vail, £27.90   

17/06/2021, Sage payroll, £2.10  

21/06/2021, LL editor, £171.84   

22/06/2021, LL Editor, repay, £171.84   

28/06/2021, Clerk salary inc tax refund, £719.36 

30/06/21, Closing balance, £2,862.73


Deposit Account

01/06/2021, Opening Balance, £ 53,446.07

09/06/2021, Transfer to current account, £3000.00

09/06/2021, Interest, 0.44p  

30/06/21, Closing balance, £ 50,446.51


Accounts for Payment in July

Office Utilities,Internet, July, M Vail, £22.50

Mileage, 24 miles @45p/mile, post notices, M Vail, £10.80

Langworth Local Editor, July, Inv 029, £171.84

Parish Clerk, Salary, M Vail, £599.56

Lonsdale Print, Inv 248012, £123.00

Welton PC, play area inspection, Inv Misc 21/045, £20.00

Sage, payroll to mid-July, £2.10

Glendale Grass cutting, £652.98

Total £1,602.78

Ear Marked Reserves

Elections reserve, £4,000.00

S137, Local Gov Act expenditure, £2,000.00

VAS sign installation, £4,000.00

Grant expenditure, £1,900.00