5 July 2022 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council  

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

E:mail: langworthgroupparishcouncil@gmail.com

Minutes of the meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council held at Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5 July 2022

Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), A Hyatt, J Machin (arrived at 7.33pm), S Taylor, K Tyrrell, R Waite,

C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn, Mrs M Vail (Clerk).  No members of the public were in attendance.

Meeting began at 7.31pm.                                   

1. Public Forum: No public forum due to no members of the public present.

2. Apologies: Cllrs P Bowser (holiday), H Stilgoe-McCombe (ill), A Curtis, D/Cllr C Darcel (at WLDC), D/Cllr C Hill (at WLDC).

3. Declarations of Interest: None.

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2022:

Minor amendments were proposed to items 3, 5, 8c, and 9.  With these amendments, it was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7 June 2022 as a true record; and these were duly signed.   Action: Clerk

5. To review the Action Log:

The Action Log was reviewed, with many items having been completed.Updates were given as follows:

New Station – the Clerk has spoken with the owner, who has advised that he is due to meet a solicitor to discuss the site.  The Clerk has requested that he keeps the Parish Council updated. Noted that the site is not secure, and that there has been attempted fly tipping.

Bank mandate update: Action: Cllr M Herbert will deliver the bank form to Cllr A Curtis to complete.

Snow blower still requires collecting from resident.  Action:  Cllr A Curtis.

Triannual pensions reassessment/re-enrolment – the due date for action is 16th July 2022.

6. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman:

D/Cllr A Welburn: Her most recent report has been circulated. WLDC is returning to normal working patterns, which includes meetings.  A meeting is scheduled to consider the Levelling Up fund and how best to spend it.

C/Cllr I Fleetwood – LCC’s focus is currently on a traffic scheme in the Bailgate, Lincoln, therefore local highways matters are unlikely to be progressed at this time.

Chairman – Cllr M Herbert provided an update on his actions as taken in relation to possible asbestos at Fosters Yard.  These included: speaking with neighbouring residents; reporting the situation to RIDDOR; to WLDC’s planning enforcement department; and to the HSE. Cllr M Herbert had subsequently submitted a complaint to HSE due to their not having responded to his earlier approach to them; and their reply (circulated to all) is considered inadequate. Strong concerns exist regarding the possible exposure of residents to asbestos.   

D/Cllr C Darcel has provided Cllr M Herbert with relevant documentation which he will read and share with Cllr A Hyatt.  He will then bring a recommendation back to the Parish Council for consideration. Action:  Cllr M Herbert.

At the proposal by Cllr M Herbert, seconded by Cllr S Taylor, that the Chairman speak with residents, the vote was 2 in favour, and 3 against.  Therefore, it was RESOLVED to revisit matters at the next meeting after the documentation as supplied by Cllr C Darcel had been read.  Action: Cllr M Herbert, Cllr A Hyatt, Clerk.

7. Highways:

a. Progress report on obtaining/installing vehicle activated signs (VAS):

Cllrs M Herbert and A Hyatt have met with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) to agree suitable sites to locate the VAS signs. Two 3mtr tall posts have been ordered; and the two VAS signs have been delivered. RESOLVED that C/Cllr I Fleetwood will purchase required jubilee clips and padlocks, up to £60.00 + VAT (to be reimbursed); and will assist with installation. Action:  C/Cllr I Fleetwood, Clerk

b. Progress report on Community Speed Watch:

Six speed signs have been obtained from LRSP, to be delivered to the CSW Coordinator.Noted that these signs are less durable than metal signs, which cannot be obtained. Action: Cllr M Herbert.

c. Report on meeting with LCC to review and consider local parking/footpath concerns:

Cllr M Herbert, C/Cllr I Fleetwood and Keira Nettles (LCC Highways Manager East) have met recently to view local parking concerns. Whilst Ms Nettles was sympathetic and understanding, no new suggestions had been forthcoming to help address matters.  She has requested photographic evidence which can be used to inform any possible future actions to address matters.  Action:  Cllr M Herbert.  C/Cllr I Fleetwood advised that the process for LCC to revise a Traffic Regulation Order was a lengthy one. Noted that mounting kerbs is an offence which should be reported to the police.

d. Consider road name suggestions for Fosters Yard (as requested by developer):

A preference was shown for road names to reflect the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year. Action: Clerk

8. Correspondence

To note only:

D/Cllr A Welburn: July/August report

Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan: Issues and Options and Call for Sites Consultation (runs from Tuesday 28 June 2022 until 5pm on Friday 12 August 2022):

Whilst there will not be a formal parish council response, Councillors can participate in the consultation either on an individual basis as a resident, or, if they indicate that they are a councillor, then they must make clear that they are responding on behalf of the parish.

9. Planning

a. To consider any update/required actions in respect of the Langworth Neighbourhood Plan

Cllr A Hyatt continues to obtain and read relevant information, and is now in possession of a map showing the parishes across three defined areas.  An application to WLDC is required for all the parishes to be included within the designated area.  Also required is an advert for Langworth Local to encourage residents to become involved.Action:  Cllr A Hyatt

10. Langworth Local – new editor’s report:

The Clerk and Editor have met for a handover session; with follow up support emails whilst the Editor has produced her first edition. The Editor has many ideas to rejuvenate the magazine and has enthusiastically taken up her role. Action: Clerk

11. Play Area – update on repairs and Chairman’s site meeting with contractor:

Repairs as identified in ROSPA’s 2021 Annual Inspection Report are being carried out in priority order.

The appointed contractor had discovered new issues whilst undertaking the higher priority repairs.Following his immediate phone call to the Clerk, the Chairman had met with him on site.As a result, it has been identified that the two platforms on the climbing frame require replacing at a cost of £1473.52 + VAT; and that there are loose fixings under the top step of the slide.Agreed not to take action at present in respect of the two platforms on the climbing frame which require replacing.

Concerns were expressed that the current internal play inspections appear not as thorough as they could be, therefore it was RESOLVED to ask the above-mentioned contractor for costs/availability to take on the internal inspections. Action: Clerk

12. Clerks Report

a. To receive the financial report: A financial report was given (see below).

b. Approval of payments: RESOLVED to approve payments (see below)

Proposed: Cllr J Machin, seconded: Cllr A Hyatt.  All in favour.  Action: Clerk

c. To receive quarterly Spend Against Budget report (April – June 2022):

A brief explanation of the year to date budget was given; noting that spending appears to be exceeding budgeted amounts in some areas. Action:  Cllr A Hyatt and Clerk to simplify spreadsheet.

d. Note Clerk’s annual leave: w/c 15th August & w/c 22nd August 2022: Noted.

13. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 6th September 2022, 7.30pm at Langworth Memorial Hall

Agenda item – CCTV at village hall: consider handing it over to the Village Hall Committee.

Meeting ended at 9.06pm

Michelle Vail, Clerk/RFO to the Council                                                 

Dated: 3rd August 2022

LANGWORTH GROUP PARISH COUNCIL - BANK RECONCILIATION 1st June - 30th June 2022                                             

CURRENT ACCOUNT, ACCOUNTS PAID                                          

01/06/2022, OPENING BALANCE, £11792.8

16/06/2022, SAGE, £8.40,

16/06/2022, M VAIL, JUNE EXPENSES, £86.50,

16/06/2022, LONSDALE PRINT, £156.00,

16/06/2022, GLENDALE, GRASSCUTS APRIL, £675.85,

16/06/2022, GLENDALE, GRASSCUTS MAY, £949.09,


16/06/2022, NEKATI SAMUEL, LL ADVERT, £10.50,

17/06/2022, HMRC, PAYE, 0.40p,

17/06/2022, DIANE HALL, LL EDITOR, PAY RISE, BACK PAY, £47.40,

17/06/2022, LCC PENSION, JUNE, £170.79,

17/06/2022, M VAIL, SALARY JUNE, £576.01,


20/06/2022, DIANE HALL, LL EDITOR, £175.62,

27/06/2022, WELTON PC, £20.00,


DEPOSIT ACCOUNT                                      

01/06/2022, OPENING BALANCE, £48450.46

09/06/2022, INTEREST, 0.41p,

  CLOSING BALANCE, £48450.87

Accounts for Payment in July/August:                                     

Office Utilities Internet, M Vail, £45.00,

Mileage, 36 miles @45p/mile, post notices, M Vail, £16.20,

M Vail expenses, printing, £10.20,

Langworth Local Editor, Inv LGP-LL-134 (July edition 34), £175.62,

Langworth Local editor, (August contractural payment), £175.62,

Langworth Local Editor, reimburse printing costs, (July edition 34), £128.88,

M. Vail Parish Clerk Salary, July, Aug, £1421.52,

M Vail Pension, July, Aug, £441.46,

M Vail PAYE, NI, July, Aug, £77.52,

Welton PC, play area inspection x 2 months, £40.00,

Sage payroll x 2 months, £16.80,

Glendale, June, estimated, £675.85,

Glendale, July, estimated, £675.85,

Glendale, August, estimated, £ 675.85,

EKM, £1146.00

Elancity, VAS signs, £5400.00

TOTAL, £11122.37

Ear Marked Reserves:                                                

Elections reserve, £4,000.00,              

VAS sign installation, £4,000.00,                     

Grant expenditure, £1,900.00,             

Total, £9,900.00