4 April 2023 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council   
Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby
E:mail: langworthgroupparishcouncil@gmail.com
Minutes of the meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council held at Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 4th April 2023.
Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), H Stilgoe-McCombe, A Curtis, S Taylor, A Hyatt, K Tyrrell, C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn, D/Cllr C Darcel, Mrs M Vail (Clerk). One member of the public was in attendance. 
Meeting began at 7.39pm
1. Public Forum: The member of the public spoke briefly regarding recent flooding matters on Barlings Lane.
2. Apologies: Cllr P Bowser, Cllr J Machin, Cllr R Waite, D/Cllr C Hill
3. Declarations of Interest: None received.
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2023:
It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 7th March 2023 as a true record, and these were duly signed. Action: Clerk.
Proposed: Cllr K Tyrrell, seconded: Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe.  All in favour.
5. To review the Action Log:
Many actions have been completed, and those remaining outstanding are all in progress. 
Additional updates were given as follows:
New Station – further deterioration was noted.  There have been reports of unauthorised activity on site.  Filming, taken from inside the dilapidated building, can be viewed online. Action: Clerk to contact owner.
Lych Gate – Cllr M Herbert has written to Rev. Penny Green to ascertain if work is required to the gate.
Snowblower – to be advertised for sale. Action: Clerk
6. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman including:
 D/Cllr A Welburn:
o The April 2023 report has been circulated.
C/Cllr I Fleetwood:
o A pedestrian crossing will be installed at North Greetwell in April 2023.  This will require some overnight road closures; and traffic light controls. 
               D/Cllr C Darcel: nothing to report.
               Chairman: nothing to report.
7. Highways: 
a) Village planters: 
Work is ongoing in finding volunteers to maintain the three village planters.  Progress is being made regarding the two planters located at Barlings Lane and near to Knights of Langworth.  However, finding a volunteer for the planter near to the railway line is proving more of a challenge.  
8. Correspondence: 
None received. An apparent lack of community interest was noted on local and parish council matters; and Members were asked to bring ideas to the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council in May 2023 on how this situation might be improved.
9. Planning:
a) Neighbourhood Plan:
Work is still progressing to finalise an advert to generate the interest of residents in becoming involved in creating a Neighbourhood Plan.  Cllr A Hyatt requested photos which represent the community, for inclusion within the advert.  Action: Cllr Hyatt to provide Clerk with advert for circulation ahead of the May 2023 meeting.  Action: Clerk.  
b) 146416: proposed two storey side extension.  LOCATION: 2 Manor Farm Cottages Reasby LN3 5BW:
RESOLVED that there are no comments. Action: Clerk.
Proposed:  Cllr A Curtis, seconded: Cllr A Hyatt.  All in favour.
Cllr M Herbert then advised:
o that he will be contacting the builders of the Barlings Lane development to request an update on when work will commence.  Item for next agenda.  Action: Clerk
o that the outcome of the planning inspectorate appeal is still to be determined on 144197: change of use of existing field to domestic use to grow seasonal fruit and vegetables. LOCATION: Land rear of 3 Walmsgate Barlings Lane Langworth, Lincoln LN3 5DF. 
PLANNING INSPECTORATE APPEAL REF: APP/N2535/W/22/3309560, start date: 20 February 2023.
10. Policy Review – Two of the policies are relevant to the forthcoming annual return so are due for a review.
a) Register of Assets: Members to approve the register as true record of the council’s assets:
Following review of the Register of Assets:
o RESOLVED that Cllr M Herbert will deliver a letter to some residents as written by the Clerk.  This letter will contain an offer to donate the flood equipment, currently under Parish Council ownership, to these residents.  Action: Clerk, Cllr M Herbert.
Proposed:  Cllr A Curtis, seconded: Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe.  All in favour.
o RESOLVED to dispose of the grit spreader.
Proposed:  Cllr A Curtis, seconded: Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe.  All in favour.
o RESOLVED, with the above-mentioned changes, to approve the register as a true record. Action: Clerk
Proposed: Cllr S Taylor, seconded: Cllr A Hyatt.  All in favour.
b) Risk assessment: 
RESOLVED to accept the risk assessment for the management and maintenance of the assets of villages within the Langworth Group Parish Council area.  Action: Clerk
Proposed: Cllr K Tyrrell. Seconded: Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe.  All in favour.
11. Clerks Report
a) To receive the financial report: Noted.
b) Approval of payments: 
RESOLVED to approve payments. Action: Clerk
Proposed: Cllr A Hyatt, seconded: Cllr K Tyrrell.  All in favour.
c) Appoint C Rooke Management as internal auditor for annual return £210.00 + VAT = £252.00:
RESOLVED to appoint C Rooke Management as internal auditor at £210.00 + VAT.  Action: Clerk
Proposed:  Cllr A Curtis, seconded: Cllr A Hyatt.  All in favour.
d) Replacement laptop for Clerk at £579.00:
Noted that CIF grants totalling £500.00 have been received towards a laptop.  RESOLVED that a replacement laptop be purchased.  Action: Clerk
Proposed: A Curtis, seconded:  Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe.  All in favour.
e) IGAS grant application – IGAS have awarded a grant of £1000.00 towards new play equipment.  This will be brought to the June 2023 meeting for consideration.  
f) Quarterly internal play area inspection report – Noted; and agreed to wait for receipt of the ROSPA annual external play inspection report before taking any inspection report-based decisions.
12. Date of the next meeting: 
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council - Tuesday 16th May 2023, 7.30pm at Langworth Memorial Hall
Meeting ended at 8.17pm.
Michelle Vail – Clerk/RFO to the Council                                                  Dated: 6 April 2023