March 2022 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council  

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

Minutes of the Meeting held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 1st March 2022 at Langworth Memorial Hall

Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), P Bowser, A Curtis, A Hyatt, S Taylor, K Tyrrell, R Waite, C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), and one member of the public.

All were welcomed; and a one-minute silence was observed in memory of Cllr Sheila Burnett.

Meeting started at 7.35pm                                   

1. Public Forum: The member of the public reported that the Memorial Hall committee had discussed a Jubilee event, to cost approximately £3000.00, and was seeking funding towards this.  It would match any Parish Council funding; hoped to be around £1000.00.  The Chair advised that the Parish Council’s budget had already been set so, as there was no budget allocated, any contribution would need to be carefully considered.

The member of the public then advised that all Community Speed Watch indemnity forms had been signed by the volunteers and submitted. All equipment had been received; and a site visit is planned with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to agreed locations where to carry out the activity.

2. Apologies: Cllr J Machin.

Noted that a vacancy still exists.Action: Clerk to contact interested resident.

3. Declarations of Interest: None received.

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2022:

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2022 as a true record; and these were duly signed.  Proposed:  Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr K Tyrrell. All in favour. Action: Clerk


5. To review the Action Log:

The Action Log was reviewed. Most tasks have been completed, with updates given as follows:

New Newball noticeboard has been collected; and still to be installed.

A seat is in storage in the Memorial Hall: still to be installed. 

Cllr J Machin’s details were passed to D/Cllr A Welburn re. local Broadband connectivity issues.

The Clerk and Cllr M Herbert had recently called into the bank as paperwork submitted since May 2021 to update the mandate and gain the new Clerk access had not resulted in any progress from the bank. The previous clerk, being the only person the bank would talk to, had kindly telephoned the bank who had advised him that the Parish Council should proceed as per the resolution below in order to resolve matters.

RESOLVED to instruct the Clerk to write a Board Resolution letter to Lloyds Bank to certify that Sheila Burnett, Clive Buttress and Stan Hall are no longer able to sign on the bank account, and to add Mike Herbert, Peter Bowser, Andrew Curtis and Michelle Vail as new signatories.  Noted that Peter Bowser is already on. 

Proposed: Cllr M Herbert, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.  All in favour.

6. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman.

C/Cllr I Fleetwood: In respect of the Scothern Lane flood issue and Anglian Water:

He has updated a local resident who had expressed interest in this matter

He has challenged LCC to move this matter forward; emphasising this should be a partnership meeting.

Following a recent Environment meeting; LCC Officers are now focussed on joining Anglian Water to reach resolution.

The Parish Council will be included as appropriate.

Regarding the proposed A158 speed reduction and consultation: following submission of a Parish Council letter to LCC; the latter had advised C/Cllr Fleetwood that they would drop the scheme subject to C/Cllr I Fleetwood supporting it. He has supported it, therefore the 40mph speed limit will remain in place.He was thanked for his support.

D/Cllr A Welburn – Her March report has been circulated. She reminded the meeting that new purple lidded bins will be delivered soon; also, that a WLDC grant is available for Jubilee events.

The Chairman:

He read out a resident's letter concerning Scothern Lane flooding and lack of liaison with locals.  The resident had also requested sand for sandbags, and noted that the snowblower had not yet been handed over to Cllr A Curtis.  Response: The resident has been advised that money had previously been set aside for flood mitigation equipment; and a local resident asked (and subsequently reminded) to liaise with other locals.  As she had not come back to the Parish Council, the budgetted money had been removed at the last budget. RESOLVED to purchase sharp sand at a maximum cost of £50.00 + VAT.  Action: Clerk

Proposed:  Cllr P Bowser, seconded:  Cllr K Tyrrell.  Cllr A Curtis to collect snowblower

He acknowledged that the war situation in Ukraine is a concern and that the Parish Council's thoughts are with the Ukranians at this time.

Cllr Sheila Burnett had been a parish councillor for many years and is fondly remembered.  Details of her burial and reception were gven; and the Chairman has been asked to give a brief speech on behalf of the Parish Council.  All were in favour of this.

7. Highways:

a. Working group report on vehicle activated signs:

C/Cllr I Fleetwood has experience of these signs in another local parish, so offered to assist.There is £4000.00 set aside for signage. Cllr M Herbert expressed his concerns that the signs need to be big enough to be seen at 40mph; and their ability to remain working in winter when less sunlight to power them. Cllr A Curtis to liaise with Cllr I Fleetwood; then report back with recommendations. Action:  Cllr A Curtis

Noted that Community Speed Watch training suggests fixed signage in advance of the speed indication devices. Agreed to consider the SIDS first, then to consider fixed signage.

b. LCC proposed 30mph speed limit – See C/Cllr I Fleetwood’s update above.

8. Correspondence:

a. To note only:

C/Cllr Fleetwood February Briefing; LCC – Temporary Traffic Restriction, A158 Station Road Level Crossing for Network Rail Maintenance and Inspection, 31 March – 1 April 2022; WLDC Parish News Edition 10 (due imminently); D/Cllr A Welburn’s March report

Update on Queen’s Jubilee Tree:

The tree (a Whitebeam) and a commemorative plaque have been handed over; and the planting location has been agreed as a rear corner in the Memorial Hall grounds. The tree would benefit from being grown on in a nursery setting before planting. Action: resident.

RESOLVED to purchase a bigger tree at up to £50.00 + VAT max. 

Proposed: Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr R Waite.  All in favour.

Action: Cllr P Bowser to locate a suitably sized tree and to liaise with Cllr K Tyrrell for planting asap. 

Action: Cllr K Tyrrell to send photo to WLDC/‘pin’ the tree’s location on the Queen’s Green Canopy website.

9. Update from Memorial Hall committee – Jubilee event:

An event is in the planning stages and funding is being sought, including up to £1000.00 from the Parish Council.Following consideration, it was RESOLVED to approve £1000.00.  The resident was asked to let the parish council know if any local business support is received.

Proposed: Cllr R Waite, seconded: Cllr A Curtis.All in favour.Action: Clerk

10. Planning:

a. To consider any update/required actions in respect of the Langworth Neighbourhood Plan:

Cllr A Hyatt circulated a paper and gave an update. Only Langworth and Barlings were registered with WLDC in 2016 as the designated area, therefore it was agreed that this should be amended to cover the correct area.  Action:  Cllr A Hyatt to research how to make this amendment; then to update WLDC via the Clerk.  Action: Clerk

Cllr A Hyatt continues to work towards an advert.

b. To consider new application

144275: Springfield House, The Village Green Church Lane Stainton by Langworth: two storey and first floor front extensions.

RESOLVED all in favour. Proposed:  Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr S Taylor. Action: Clerk  

11. Clerks Report

a. Receive the financial report: A financial report was given (see below).

Noted that unforeseen, therefore unbudgeted money is being spent, eg on Community Speed Watch and a Jubilee event.  Action: clerk to produce updates on actual and projected spends against budget.    

b. Approval of payments: as previously circulated:

RESOLVED to approve payments as per the financial report (attached below). Action: clerk.

Proposed: Cllr K Tyrrell; seconded:  Cllr P Bowser. All in favour.

c. Annual Training Scheme:

Subscription fee of £110.00 + £22.00 VAT has been agreed in the budget.  Action: Clerk

d. Annual membership fee:

Annual membership fee of £228.77 has been agreed in the budget.  Action: Clerk

e. Rejoining website scheme: Already agreed in the budget.  Action: Clerk

f. Quotes for play area remedial works:

Cllr P Bowser and Cllr J Machin have met with a local contractor, and the handyman. Three quotes received. The Parish Council has a legal obligation to maintain play equipment as is ‘reasonably practicable’; and focus first on the higher risk items, professionally if needed, otherwise general diy maintenance. .  Cllr J Machin, as the trained person, to inspect the quotes received and bring a proposal of what to do to the next meeting.  Action:  Cllr P Bowser to contact Cllr J Machin. Next agenda. Action: Clerk to circulate third quote.

g. Langworth sign (adj. Chamberlains Close): The sign was blown down and broken in recent winds.  Action: Clerk to obtain quotes.

12. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 5th April 2022, 7.30pm, Langworth Memorial Hall

Meeting ended at 8.54pm.

Michelle Vail – Clerk/RFO to the Council

Dated: 31 March 2022