April 2022 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council  

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

Minutes of the Meeting held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 5th April 2022 at Langworth Memorial Hall

Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), P Bowser, A Curtis, J Machin, A Hyatt, S Taylor, K Tyrrell, R Waite, C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn, D/Cllr C Darcel, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), and four members of the public.

Meeting began at 7.32pm.

   1. Resolve to move into Closed Session due to the following containing information of a sensitive or confidential nature:

RESOLVED to move into Closed Session.  All members of the public left the meeting at 7.32pm.

2. Applications for councillor vacancy:

Two applications had been received and circulated. Following their consideration, one candidate received 4 votes in favour, and the other candidate received 3 votes in favour.Therefore, it was RESOLVED to appoint Hazel Stilgoe-McCombe to the vacancy (Barlings Parish).  Action: Clerk.

All members of the public then returned to the meeting.Hazel Stilgoe-McCombe then signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form before joining the meeting as the newly appointed councillor.

3. Resolve to move out of Closed Session:

RESOLVED to move out of Closed Session at 7.50pm.

4. Public Forum:

One resident spoke in respect of two planning applications which are with WLDC awaiting determination (these applications are to be considered under item 13 below).  He advised that, as the applicant, he is willing to answer any questions on them as required.

5. Apologies: D/Cllr C Hill

6. Declarations of Interest:

Cllr P Bowser declared an interest in respect of item 13 (being connected with the church at Stainton by Langworth).

7. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2022:

With one minor amendment, RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 1 March 2022 as a true record; and these were duly signed.  Action: Clerk

8. To review the Action Log:

The Action Log was reviewed; with many tasks having been completed.Most of those jobs outstanding appear below as agenda items.In addition, it was noted that the snow blower still requires collecting; and that the Queen’s Jubilee tree still requires planting.

9. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman.

C/Cllr I Fleetwood:

Advised that his written report is due imminently.

LCC have designated the route of the southern bypass: a £212million project which is currently passing through the required planning stages.

He declared an interest as Chair of WLDC’s Planning Committee; advising that he had not discussed their planning applications with the residents who were present at this meeting.

A WLDC Planning site visit is due imminently for the Barlings Lane planning application

He provided an update on local speed indicator devices; and offered his assistance with the programming and data accessing of LGPC’s signs, once these were purchased.

D/Cllr A Welburn:

Advised that a report had been circulated.

A local grant application in respect of the Queen’s Jubilee will be considered by WLDC imminently.

D/Cllr C Darcel: nothing to report


He has met with a representative of Swallow Hill Homes.  They are to carry out a public consultation ahead of a possible revised planning application for their Barlings Lane site; to be held on 14th April, 12 – 2pm in the Memorial Hall.  Cllr M Herbert is to talk to residents living near to the site and hand out notices about the consultation.  He will pass on any comments from those who are unable to attend in person.

10. Highways:

a. Working group report on vehicle activated signs:

Cllr A Curtis reported a lack of recent progress but that he will speak with C/Cllr I Fleetwood soon.

11. Correspondence:

To note only: C/Cllr Fleetwood: February Briefing; WLDC Parish News Edition 11, March

D/Cllr A Welburn: April report

Cllr M Herbert voiced concerns in respect of an item in D/Cllr A Welburn’s report that WLDC continues to plan to be non-reliant on government funding in future; noting that 1) local infrastructure is poor; and 2) that large sums of local money are paid to national government (eg via taxes) and this money is not seen coming back into the local area.

D/Cllr A Welburn then provided some explanatory information.  This included to explain that Adult and Social Care receives a very large budget; and that WLDC is working to achieve the best for its residents.  For example, its buildings portfolio provides a better income than if the money was kept in the bank. WLDC aims for this portfolio to make WLDC self-sufficient and therefore keep rates low - income from Government can therefore be committed to projects to benefit the District.

a. Action needed:

Adoption of the amended WLDC Code of Conduct – signing of acceptance forms:

The Code of Conduct and Guidance notes had been circulated ahead of the meeting.  Noted that there are few changes from the current Code of Conduct.  No comments were made therefore it was RESOLVED to adopt a mirror copy of WLDC’s Code of Conduct as LGPC’s own.  Each councillor then signed the acceptance form. Action: Clerk

Proposed:  Cllr M Herbert, seconded: Cllr J Machin.  All in favour.   

Receipt of a press release from Lincolnshire Resilience Forum was noted.  Residents across Lincolnshire are being invited to take part in a survey to understand how prepared they are for emergencies.  Their responses will allow for better preparation for major incidents or emergencies in the future. Action: Clerk to arrange for inclusion in Langworth Local.

12. Update from Memorial Hall committee – Jubilee event:

Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe provided an update on preparations to date; as well as on funding received.

3. Planning:

a. To consider any update/required actions in respect of the Langworth Neighbourhood Plan:

Cllr A Hyatt continues to gather information; including on how to amend the Designated Area to include all parishes, and not just Langworth and Barlings. It was noted that this is hard and lengthy work; and that help would be appreciated.   Action: Clerk to provide contact details of relevant WLDC Officer.

b. To consider new applications:

144536: conversion of redundant farm buildings to 1no. dwelling, with infill link, amenity space and parking spaces: Barn at Church Farm, Church Lane, Stainton by Langworth, LN3 5BL:

RESOLVED all in favour. Proposed:  Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr J Machin. Action: Clerk  

RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders at 8.43pm to allow one resident to speak on his application.  It was then RESOLVED to restart Standing Orders at 8.44pm.

144639: construction of an agricultural storage building: Church Farm, Church Lane, Stainton By Langworth Lincoln LN3 5B:

RESOLVED all in favour. Proposed:  Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr J Machin. Action: Clerk  

c. Central Lincs Local Plan (CLLP) Consultation:

Noted that the CLLP is reviewed every few years and continually evolves; and that there are no changes proposed over the current position.

14. New Station – WL update and request for LGPC’s views on the site’s future development:

The New Station is an eyesore and in a very poor and deteriorating state of repair.  WLDC have advised that:

‘Given the nature of the premises (i.e. it is not a typical empty residential property) we will see to look at the other options available to us in terms of future site usage. We may be able to take steps to improve how it currently appears, however I fear that whatever we do will still result in it looking empty given its prominence and the size of the site. As part of the above we will look at all of the planning history and make contact with the existing owners. It would be helpful if we could understand if the Parish Council have any views on what they would like to see on the site in the future?’

Comments were then taken, with opinion being that the site could be flattened; cleared and tidied; also that it could become an industrial site.  D/Cllr A Welburn noted that it would take many years to obtain a Compulsory Purchase Order and that this was not an easy process to go though.

Action: Clerk to write to WLDC; and to search LGPC records for any mention of owner’s contact details.

D/Cllr A Welburn left the meeting at 8.58pm.

15. Policy Review – Two of the policies are relevant to the forthcoming annual return are due for a review.

a. Register of Assets: Members to approve the register as true record of the council’s assets. 

b. Risk assessment: Members to resolve to accept the risk assessment for the management and maintenance of the assets of, villages within the Langworth Group Parish Council area.

Reported that the Newball noticeboard has been installed and that the manufacturing is considered of poor quality by the supplier’s usual standards.  In addition, the window is glass, presenting a danger.

Action:  Cllr J Machin to check glass for kitemark symbol. Action: Cllr R Waite to display warning notice. Action: Clerk to write to the supplier/obtain film for Cllr M Herbert to fit.

RESOLVED unanimously to approve the two abovementioned reviewed policies. Action: Clerk

Proposed:  Cllr K Tyrrell, seconded:  Cllr J Machin.

16. Clerks Report

a. Receive the financial report: A financial report was given (see below).

b. Approval of payments:

RESOLVED to approve payments (see below). Noted that these include the 2021/22 National Pay Award of 1.75%.  Action: clerk.  

Proposed: Cllr S Taylor, seconded: Cllr A Hyatt

c. Receive Spend Against Budget Report for 2021/22 financial year:

The Clerk explained the report, noting that overspends were for items not budgeted for.These were funded from Reserves.The report was then received.

d. To Appoint C Rooke Management as internal auditor for the annual return £202.50 + VAT:

RESOLVED to appoint C Rooke Management as internal auditor for the 2021/22 Annual Return.

Proposed: Cllr A Curtis, seconded: Cllr S Taylor.  Action: Clerk

e. Consider quotes for play area remedial works:

Four contractors had provided quotes, which had varied significantly.The preferred contractor had quoted for two phases: the first phase to address the ‘critical’ repairs (at £840.00 + VAT), and the second phase to complete the less urgent repairs at a later date (at £2350.00 + VAT).

RESOLVED to appoint the preferred contractor to address the critical repairs before the Queen’s Jubilee weekend (if not possible, then the equipment is to be isolated); then to address the non-critical repairs by September 2022; at a total cost of £3190.00 + VAT.

Proposed: Cllr J Machin, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.All in favour. Action: Clerk

Action: Clerk to provide D/Cllr C Darcel with quote details for D/Cllr C Darcel to enquire at WLDC about any possible grants towards these repairs.

f. Approve £386.97 + VAT to supply/install replacement Langworth village sign:

RESOLVED to approve.  Action: Clerk

Proposed: Cllr A Curtis, seconded: Cllr J Machin.All in favour.

g. Approve up to £45.00 for required additional CSW signage + zip ties:

RESOLVED to approve. Action: Clerk, Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe

Proposed: Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe, seconded: Cllr J Machin.  All in favour.

h. Approve £30.00 for delivery of sand (flood mitigation):

RESOLVED to approve, if required.  Action: Clerk

Proposed: Cllr R Waite, seconded: Cllr A Curtis.  All in favour.

i. Langworth Local Report:

The Clerk and the editor had met recently; all is running smoothly.It is hard to find new advertisers, although an approach has been made recently by the NHS; which is being followed up.

17. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 3rd May 2022, 7.30pm, Langworth Memorial Hall

This will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7pm.

Meeting ended at 9.30pm

Michelle Vail, Clerk/RFO to the Council                                                 

Dated: 21 April 2022

LANGWORTH GROUP PARISH COUNCIL - BANK RECONCILIATION 1st March - 31st March 2022                                           



SAGE, £8.40,











CLOSING BALANCE, £2538.41.                                                         

DEPOSIT ACCOUNT                                        

OPENING BALANCE, £ 38449.51,

INTEREST, 0.30p,



Accounts for Payment in April:

Office Utilities Internet, April, M Vail, £22.50,

Mileage, 12 miles @45p/mile, post notices, M Vail, £5.40,

Langworth Local Editor, Inv 038, £175.62,

Lonsdale Print, £142.00,

Parish Clerk Salary, April, M Vail, £576.01,

Welton PC, play area inspection, £20.00,

Sage payroll, £8.40,

Pension, April, £170.79,

TOTAL, £1120.72.

Ear Marked Reserves:

Elections reserve, £4,000.00,                

VAS sign installation, £4,000.00,            

Grant expenditure, £1,900.00,               

Total, £9,900.00.