February 2022

Langworth Group Parish Council  

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

The next meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council will be held at Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 1st February 2022 at which the business listed in the agenda below will be transacted.  The time between 7.30pm and 7.45 pm may be given over to a public session if required, but if no members of the public wish to speak, the meeting will start at 7.30pm.

Michelle Vail   Clerk/RFO: Langworth Group Parish Council



1. Public Forum: maximum of 15 mins for members of the public to ask questions.

2. Apologies: To receive apologies for absence.

3. Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations of interest on any item on the agenda.

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2022

5. To review the Action Log

6. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman.

7. Highways:

a. Working group report on vehicle activated signs – holding item

b. LCC update re implementation of double yellow lines and 30mph speed limit

c. Grasscutting quotes for 2022 season

d. Quotes for play area remedial works

8. Correspondence

a. To note only:

D/Cllr A Welburn (Jan) report

WLDC Parish News Edition 9

b. Decision required:

Invite to join LCC's County Views Panel

Queen's Jubilee Tree - update and actions needed

9. Planning:

a. To consider any update/required actions in respect of the Langworth Neighbourhood Plan

b. To consider new application:

144197: Land rear of 3 Walmsgate Barlings Lane Langworth, Lincoln LN3 5DF: change of use of existing field to domestic use to grow seasonal fruit and vegetables

10. Clerks Report

a Receive the financial report: as previously circulated

b. Approval of payments: as previously circulated

c. Flood mitigation budget

d. Update on banking mandate

e. Update on noticeboard

f. Community Broadband installation grants (Cllr Machin)

g. Report of non-delivery of Langworth Local to Barlings Lane

11. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 1st March 2022, 7.30pm, Langworth Memorial Hall

Michelle Vail – Clerk/RFO to the CouncilDated: 27 January 2022