2 July 2024

Langworth Group Parish Council   
Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby
E:mail: langworthgroupparishcouncil@gmail.com
NOTICE OF MEETING – Tuesday 2 July 2024                                                                                   
The Next Meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council will be held at Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 2 July 2024 at which the business listed in the agenda below will be transacted.  The time between 7.30pm and 7.45 pm may be given over to a public session if required, but if no members of the public wish to speak, the meeting will start at 7.30pm.
Michelle Vail   Clerk/RFO: Langworth Group Parish Council
1. Public Forum: suspension of Standing Orders for up to 15 mins for members of the public to speak on agenda items, or to suggest items for consideration on a future agenda
2. Apologies: To receive and accept apologies for absence.
3. Declarations of Interest: To receive declarations of interest on any item on the agenda.
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 4 June 2024 
5. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman
6. To review the Action Log
7. Clerks Report
a) To receive the financial report for June 2024: as previously circulated
b) Approval of any non-regular payments for July/Aug 2024
c) Clerk’s Annual Leave w/c 26 Aug & w/c 2 Sept 2024
d) New NALC Model Financial Regulations
8. Consider quotes for replacement noticeboard (Barlings Lane)
9. Community Emergency Plan
10. Planning:
a) WL/2024/00460: erect a timber-framed garden room: Cornfields, Station Road, Langworth, LN3 5BB
b) Note information via D/Cllr T Bridgwood ref WL/2024/00036: formerly 147131: BESS Land South of Barlings Lane
11. Correspondence:
To note: Police crime stats (circ 13th June)
             Action Required:  
a) Police: Parish Council Engagement sessions, rescheduled to 16th July 2024, 6 – 8pm, (from 4th July), Teams - appoint attendee
b) LCC Rights of Way Survey to refresh Improvement Plan in 2025 - closes 28th July (circ 13th June)
12. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 10th September 2024, 7.30pm, Memorial Hall
13. Resolve to move into Closed Session as the following items contains information of a confidential or sensitive nature
14. Langworth Local
Michelle Vail – Clerk/RFO to the Council                                                  Dated: 27 June 2024