4 February 2020

Langworth Group Parish Council

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Longworth and Reasby

Draft Meeting Minutes 4 February 2020

Ordinary Meeting of the Council

Langworth Memorial Hall 19:30 - 21 :00


Those Present

Councillor M Herbert (Chairman) (MH)

Councillor J Machin (JM) LGPC

Councillor A Hyatt (AH) LGPC

Councillor R Waite (RW) LGPC

Councillor I Fleetwood (IF) LCC

Councillor A Welburn (AW) WLDC

S Hall Clerk LGPC


111.0 Open Forum

111.1 Two members of the public were present - no issues raised.


112.0 Apologies and Absence

112.1 Councillor Burnett, Councillor Bowser, Councillor Curtis, Councillor Darcel WLDC, Councillor C Hill WLDC,


113.0 Declarations of Interest

113.1 None


114.0 To confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 7th January 2020

114.1 The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 7th January 2020 were approved as a true as a true record of the meeting. Proposed JM, Seconded RW. Vote - unanimous. Clerk to publish on the website and provide a summary for publication in the Langworth Local.


115.0 Matters arising from the previous meeting

115.1 MH reported on investigation into the siting of an additional notice board at the George development. MH spoke to some of the residents and no one knew anything about it. The original enquiry was raised by Cllr Burnett who was not present to comment. No further action was proposed.


116.0 Correspondence

116.1 E-mail received regarding: "The Great British Spring Clean"

This include litter picking, sign cleaning etc. AW informed that WLDC will supply litter picking sticks sacks and Hi vis jackets on request. IF also said he has similar equipment available.


117.0 Clerks report

117.1 The clerk presented reports:

a) A previously circulated bank reconciliation report showing the income and expenditure for the period ending 31 January 2020 which also lists the accounts for payment was read by the clerk.

b) Members were asked to approve payments listed in the financial report. Proposed by JM seconded by RW. Vote; unanimous. Clerk to make the payments.

Langworth Group Parish Council 1 January 2020 to 31 January 2020

Current Account

01/01/2020 Opening balance £590.32

10/01/2020 Clerk expenses Dec -£27.90

17/01/2020 LL Editor Inv 008 -£166.00

21/01/2020 Transfer in from deposit account +£1,000.00

21/01/2020 Clerk Salary & PAYE January -£583.44

27/01/2020 McAfee virus protection -£19.99

31/01/2020 Closing balance £792.99

Deposit Account

01/01/2020 Opening Balance £31,010.08

09/01/2020 Interest +£1.92

21/01/2020 Transfer to current account -£1,000

31/01/2020 Closing balance £30,011.40

Accounts to be passed for payment 4/2/19

a) Clerk Net Pay – February -£466.75

b) Clerk PAYE – February -£116.60

c) Langworth local editor Feb Inv 009 -£166.00

f) Memorial Hall Hire and lease -£175.00

g) Lonsdale print -£116.25

h) Clerk expenses February -£27.90

j) Welton PC play area inspections -£60.00

Total to be paid -£1,128.50

Ear Marked Reserves

Elections reserve £1,750.72

Clerk to update the reserves statement, as agreed at the meeting held 7th January 2020.


118.0 Planning

118.1 Application 140483 - Barlings Lane. MH said: a resident's letter of complaint has been posted on the WLDC website. Clerk to post on WLDC planning portal: since the previous planning conditions have been removed WLDC should remove permitted development rights for this development.


119.0 Vehicle activated sign - progress report

119.1 Clerk reported: little progress has been made due to the high cost of structural testing. LCC estimated £70.00 but the testing firm they recommended quoted £860.00. Clerk and MH visited