6 October 2020
Langworth Group Parish Council
Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby
Draft Minutes of the remote meeting held 6 October 2020
Name Of Meeting Ordinary Meeting
Location Remote Zoom Meeting
Time/Duration 19:30 – 20:30
Cllr M Herbert (MH) Chairman LGPC, Cllr P Bowser (PB) LGPC, Cllr A Hyatt (AH) LGPC, Cllr R Waite (RW) LGPC, Cllr A Curtis (AC) LGPC, Clerk S Hall LGPC
43.0 Open Forum
43.1 No members of the public were present.
44.0 Apologies and Absence
44.1 Apologies were received from:
LGPC Councillors Burnett, Machin
WLDC Councillor Welburn
45.0 Declarations of Interest
45.1 Cllrs Herbert and Hyatt declared an interest in planning applications at Barlings Lane.
46.0 To Confirm the Minutes of the Meeting held on 1 September 2020
46.1 The minutes of the ordinary meeting held on 1 September were approved as a true record of the meeting with an amendment to remove the name of a person. Proposed: PB Seconded: AH. Vote: unanimous.
Clerk to publish on the website and provide a summary for publication in the Langworth Local.
47.0 Provision of a dog waste bin and warning notices, footpath off Barlings Lane.
47.1 There have been several complaints regarding inconsiderate dog owners not clearing up after their dog on the footpath opposite Holmlees. Clerk to place an article in the Langworth Local to ask people to look after what they have got and not litter it. Clerk to also make a request to WLDC for a dog waste bin and procure a warning notice. Proposed AH seconded: RW, all in favour.
48.0 Clerks Report
48.1 a) Members approved the 2020/21 NJC pay award. Proposed PB seconded AC. All in favour.
b) The financial report for the period 1 September 2020 to 30 September 2020, as appended below and circulated to members prior to the meeting.
c) Approval of payments. The payments as listed in the financial report were approved by Members. Proposed PB, Seconded AH, all in favour. Clerk to make the payments.
d) The quarterly budget report was presented to and noted by Members. Copy appended below.
e) Annual return correspondence. Clerk informed councillors: the auditors have pointed out that dating of the annual return has not been carried out in accordance with the regulations. The auditor has yet to formally notify the council.
f) New LCC parish website: Members approved the appointment of Intelltech for transfer of data form the old to the new website at a cost of £250.00. Proposed AC Seconded RW, all in favour.
g) Members approved the purchase of a wreath from British legion, estimated cost £17.00. Proposed PB, seconded AH, all in favour.
49.0 Highways – Notification of overnight road closures – A158
49.1 a) A158 overnight road closures, 17/18 and 31Oct/1 Nov for level crossing works
b) A158 overnight road closure, 7/8 November for electricity works
c) Update on the request made to LCC for parking restrictions on Barlings Lane.
LCC are considering the proposal. The local county councillor has been asked for support. The restrictions are considered necessary to deter people from parking near the A158/Barlings Lane Junction and to encourage people to park off road.
50.0 Planning
50.1 Application 141592, Fairlea Stainton by Langworth. Members consider the application. does address some of the grounds for refusal of application 140905. They conceded: it is an improvement but given its position in adjacency to the scheduled monument, it has not gone far enough and is considered an unacceptable. It was felt the applicant could have done more. Clerk to post the councils comments on the WLDC planning portal.
50.2 Application 141648, land off Barlings Lane, drainage pond and infrastructure. Members were pleased that drainage is being considered in this area.
50.3 Application 141577, Ground source heating – George development. No comments.
50.4 Application 141647, approval of reserved matter. Access, appearance, lay out and scale. Members noted the proposal as: no significant changes from the original plans. Councillors were generally in favour of the proposal. No decision could be made. Due to the declared interests the meeting was inquorate for this item.
50.5 Application 141149, Church Farm, Stainton by Langworth accommodation into Convert holiday residential. Members noted that WLDC has granted permission with no conditions attached.
51.0 Chairman’s Comments
51.1 a) There were no comments regarding LCC councillor Fleetwood’s briefing. Clerk was asked to pass on thanks to councillor Fleetwood for his regular briefings.
The clerk was also asked to thank those people who work to distribute the Langworth Local. Their services are very much appreciated.
b) No district councillors were present to comment.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 3rd November 2020 – 7:30 pm Venue: To be arranged
Signed as a True Record of the Meeting
Chairman 3 November 2020
Langworth Group Parish Council
1 September 2020 to 30 September 2020
Current Account
Date |
Description |
Money in |
Money out |
Balance |
01/09/2020 |
Opening balance |
1,290.43 |
02/09/2020 |
Transfer in from Deposit Account |
500.00 |
1,790.43 |
02/09/2020 |
Office Utilities Internet expenses - August |
22.50 |
1,767.93 |
02/09/2020 |
Post meeting notices 28/8/2020, 12 mile 45p/mile |
5.40 |
1,762.53 |
02/09/2020 |
Renew microsoft licence |
64.99 |
1,697.54 |
02/09/2020 |
Hand sanitiser, wipes and vinyl gloves |
17.47 |
1,680.07 |
02/09/2020 |
Glendale grass cutting - Inv 02513 |
641.64 |
1,038.43 |
02/09/2020 |
Memorial Hall hire 4 feb, 3 Mar 2020 |
30.00 |
1,008.43 |
02/09/2020 |
Lonsdale Print - Inv 244196 |
99.00 |
909.43 |
15/09/2020 |
Clerk Net Pay - September 2020 |
466.84 |
442.59 |
15/09/2020 |
Clerk PAYE - September 2020 |
116.60 |
325.99 |
15/09/2020 |
Langworth local editor - September 2020 - Inv 019 |
171.84 |
154.15 |
21/09/2020 |
Claire Armitage - LL advertising |
35.00 |
189.15 |
Totals |
£535.00 |
£1,636.28 |
£189.15 |
Deposit Account
Date |
Description |
Money In |
Money Out |
Balance |
01/09/2020 |
Opening Balance |
44,342.97 |
02/09/2020 |
Transfer to current account |
-500.00 |
09/09/2020 |
Interest |
£0.36 |
Totals |
£0.36 |
-£500.00 |
£43,843.33 |
Accounts for payment in October
a) Office utilities expenses - September 22.50
b) Post meeting notices 1/10/20 12 miles @45p/mile 5.40
c) Clerk net pay October 479.72
d) Clerk back pay 1 April to 30 September 96.60
e) Clerk PAYE October 129.23
f) Langworth Local editor October 171.84
g) Glendale Grass cutting - inv 02584 641.64
h) Lonsdale Print - Inv 244666 111.00
i) Rospa Play safely - Play are inspection - inv 51158 94.80
j) Welton PC play equipment check - July - inv misc20/027 20.00
k) Glendale Grass cutting - inv 02658 641.64
Total to be paid £2,414.37
Ear Marked Reserves
Elections reserve £4,000.00
S137 Local Gov Act expenditure £2,000.00
VAS sign installation £4,000.00
Grant expenditure £1,900.00
Total £11,900.00