December 2024 Minutes
Langworth Group Parish Council
Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby.
Minutes of the Meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council held at Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30 on Tuesday 3rd December 2024
Present: Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), P Bowser, A Curtis, R Waite, K Tyrrell, S Taylor, H Stilgoe-McCombe, A Hyatt, J Jarvis, C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr M Palmer & T Bridgwood
Meeting began at 7.30pm
1. Public Forum: No members of the public were present.
2. Apologies: No apologies were provided from Councillors. However, due to illness the Clerk/RFO to the Council Michelle Vail was not present. The Chairman ran the Meeting and Cllr A Hyatt took notes for the minutes.
3. Declarations of interest: No-one declared any interests
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 5th November 2024: RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 5th November 2024 as a true and accurate record. These were duly signed by the Chairman
Proposed: Cllr P Bowser, seconded Cllr S Taylor. All in favour
5. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman:
C/Cllr I Fleetwood:
Following meetings and presentations with the LCC Emergency Response Unit, C/Cllr Fleetwood highlighted that LCC are keen for all Parish Councils to develop their own Emergency Response Plans. Langworth Group PC is already ahead of the curve, having an almost complete plan to be signed off.
D/Cllr T Bridgwood:
Commented on the planning application about the proposed battery storage unit just outside of Langworth, adjacent to Cherry Willingham. WLDC Planning Committee have postponed their decision in order to allow time for a site visit by the Committee and gather further information. A decision should be known in December.
D/Cllr M Palmer:
Commented about the Flood warning leaflets that have been put out for distribution by the EA. WLDC have also provided information about risks with flooding when they posted their waste delivery collection calendar recently. Information about flooding is also published within the Langworth Local.
Highlighted that the Parish Council s budget is due for discussion and determination at the next Parish Council Meeting in Jan 2025. Councillors need to consider between now and then, what they would like to see in the 2025/2026 budget. The Councils finances will occupy the main time set aside on the Agenda and less important items may be deferred.
6. Review the Action Log:
The Chairman deferred the Action Log as an updated Log was not available as the Clerk has been ill.
7. Clerks Report:
(a) To receive the financial report for Nov 2024: Unable to do this as the Council has not yet seen the November Financial Report. Chairman stated that this will need to be done retrospectively when the Clerk returns.
(b) Approval of non-regular payments for December 2024: None known.
(c) National Pay Award: This is imminent for the Clerk. This Council normally approves the recommended amount provided within National Scheme. Approval will need to be made when the Clerk returns and can provide the Council with details.
(d) Grass cutting tenders 2025/2026: Tenders have been sent out to at least 3 companies but not all have sent back their quotes. Glendale, who are the existing supplier of this service to the Council have sent their quote back
(e) H&S Risk Assessment: The Memorial Hall Committee have requested that this Council provides them with a risk assessment for the use of the building. They have provided the contact details for the facilities management company they used by which this Council can obtain an independent assessment to be carried out by them. This company has not yet returned the Councils calls. It was RESOLVED that we use the existing assessment form provided by the Committee. Cllr K Tyrrell was thanked for providing assistance in this matter
Proposed Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe, seconded Cllr K Tyrrell. All in favour.
(f) Clerk s Annual Leave: w/c 23rd Dec & w/c 30 Dec. The Chairman said that he will provide cover during this time.
8. Emergency Plan Snow Plan
The Emergency Response Plan is now almost complete and ready for submission to LCC. Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe has carried the vast majority of this work and the Council expressed their gratitude. The Plan just needs a Snow Plan attached, contact details of a Memorial Hall Committee member and signing off by the Chairman. In order to expedite the Plan and its submission to LCC it was RESOLVED that a snow plan would be developed using a neighbouring Council s procedure. It may need to be adapted to suit this Council needs i.e. gritting information etc.
Proposed Cllr S Taylor, seconded Cllr P Bowser. All in favour
9. Correspondence:
To Note:
(a) Police Crime Stats Oct 2024 (circ 25/11/24): Noted
(b) Forestry Commission: New woodlands proposed just off the A158 were discussed by the Councillors. Generally, Councillors were in favour but had concerns about access, disability access and loss of land used for agriculture. Councillors were invited to write back to the Forestry Commission who had expressed a wish for opinions. RESOLVED to write to the Forestry Commission to ask them to present their proposals to us when they had firmed up their plans.
Proposed Cllr M Herbert, seconded J Jarvis. All in favour
(c) Community Speed Watch Newsletter: This has not yet been distributed but should be emailed to everyone soon.
10. Play Area:
Cllr J Jarvis (Play Area Champion) has done a substantial amount of work over recent weeks and has carried out a detailed assessment of the Play Area. He has also spoken to our Play Equipment checker and maintenance contractor on site. Cllr J Jarvis provided a written report to this Council and gave a summary of his findings to Councillors. This generated much discussion and many options were considered. As the Report was quite lengthy and Councillors have not had time to read and digest the information, the consensus of opinions was that the Report and recommendations needs to be revisited at the next PC Meeting. This would be timely as the Council would be making decisions on their 25/26 budget, and the upkeep of the Play area has cost implications.
11. Date of the next meeting:
Tuesday 7th January 2025, 7.30pm