Feb 2022 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council  

Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby

Minutes of the Meeting held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 1 February 2022 at Langworth Memorial Hall

Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), P Bowser, A Curtis, A Hyatt, J Machin, S Taylor, K Tyrrell, R Waite, C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr A Welburn, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), and two members of the public.

Meeting started at 7.32pm


1. Public Forum: There was no public representation.

2. Apologies: None

3. Declarations of Interest: None received.

4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2022:

RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2022 as a true record; and these were duly signed.  Proposed:  Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr K Tyrrell. All in favour.

5. To review the Action Log:

The Action Log was reviewed. Most tasks have been completed, and updates were given for those outstanding.Actions were agreed as follows:

Clerk to print out the parish plan results for the March meeting. Action: clerk

Clerk to report salt bin requiring attention in Newball parish.  Action: clerk

Cllr K Tyrrell to liaise with Memorial Hall committee regarding a Queen’s Jubilee event; and WLDC’s Jubilee grant. Action: Cllr K Tyrrell

Standing Orders were suspended at 7.40pm to allow one resident to speak who advised matters were in hand to enable the Community Speed Watch. Standing Orders resumed at 7.41pm.

6. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman:

Cllr I Fleetwood: He is pursuing the Scothern Lane flood issue with Anglian Water.  A resident has contacted him for more information; and he will be in contact with the resident imminently.

D/Cllr A Welburn:

Her January and February reports have been circulated. 

A grant is available for £700 towards a Queen’s Jubilee celebration

She explained the importance of recycling; noting that residents will receive a new, purple bin in Spring for paper and card. Bin storage will be an issue for many; and she confirmed that a consultation had taken place a while ago. Cllr I Fleetwood added that LCC are also involved, at the end of the waste’s journey.  Councillors then variously asked questions and passed comment; including to note unawareness of any consultation.

Chairman: He has completed a 1 2 1 with the Clerk prior to this meeting.

7. Highways:

a. Working group report on vehicle activated signs:

Holding item pending outcome of LCC’s deliberations on implementing the 30mph speed limit.

b. LCC update re implementation of double yellow lines and A158 30mph speed limit:

The double yellow lines have been implemented.

The 30mph proposal will go before LCC’s Planning & Regulation Committee then; subject to no more queries and Committee satisfaction with the amendments made; to a consultation process.  Cllr I Fleetwood advised that the Committee had wanted the proposed 30mph zone extending; hence why the matter has gone back to Committee. He further advised that a request had been made to LCC by a resident.

Councillors noted that neither the Parish Council nor residents had been asked or consulted; and strong concerns were expressed both over the 30mph proposal; and that a single resident seems to have achieved LCC action on the proposed speed reduction. RESOLVED to write to LCC with these concerns.  Action: clerk

Proposed: Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr A Curtis.  All in favour.

RESOLVED to also write to LCC to advise that the Parish Council’s opinion is that there is no need to reduce the speed limit from 40mph. Action: clerk.  Noted that the Parish Council does not have the ability to comment at a technical competence level.  Cllr I Fleetwood advised that assessment is made against policy and onsite visits.

Proposed: Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr A Curtis with 5 for and 2 abstentions.

c. Grasscutting quotes for 2022 season:

Two quotes had been received.After consideration, RESOLVED to accept the quote from Glendale at £4505.60 + VAT. Action: clerk.  Noted that the budget is set at £5000.00 which allows for occasional additional cuts. 

d. Quotes for play area remedial works:

Three play equipment companies had been approached to quote to remedy issues as identified in the annual ROSPA inspection report, and only one had responded.In addition, a local handyman had quoted on those jobs he could undertake, following a site visit with Cllr P Bowser.After consideration: RESOLVED that:

Cllr P Bowser and Cllr J Machin will meet onsite, then report back to the March 2022 meeting, after which:

The local handyman to be asked to carry out the simple, basic jobs

The play equipment contractor to be asked to complete the more technical work

Proposed: Cllr P Bowser, seconded: Cllr A Curtis.All in favour.Action:  Cllr P Bowser, Cllr J Machin.

8. Correspondence

a. To note only: D/Cllr A Welburn's Jan and Feb reports; and the WLDC Parish News Edition 9

b. Decision Required:

Invite to join LCC’s County Views panel: Cllr M Herbert offered to do this. Action: Cllr M Herbert

Queen’s Jubilee Tree – update and actions needed: a White Beam (Sorbus Aria) sapling will be available imminently, for planting in February.  The planting event can be recorded at https://queensgreencanopy.org/

to liaise with the Memorial Hall Committee regarding planting/tree protection in the Hall grounds.  Action: clerk to update councillors on the Committee’s decision.

9. Planning:

a. To consider any update/required actions in respect of the Langworth Neighbourhood Plan:

Cllr A Hyatt continues to progress his research.The need to move beyond this stage soon was noted.

b. To consider new application:

144197: Land rear of 3 Walmsgate Barlings Lane Langworth, Lincoln LN3 5DF: change of use of existing field to domestic use to grow seasonal fruit and vegetables

Standing Orders were suspended at 8.34pm to allow one resident to speak.Standing Orders resumed at 8.36pm.

RESOLVED all in favour.

Proposed:  Cllr M Herbert, seconded:  Cllr J Machin.  Action: clerk

10. Clerks Report

a. Receive the financial report: as previously circulated: A financial report was given (see below).

b. Approval of payments: as previously circulated:

RESOLVED to approve payments as per the financial report (attached below). Action: clerk.

Proposed: Cllr J Machin; seconded:Cllr A Hyatt. All in favour.

c. Flood mitigation budget:

There is no money set aside under this budget head.Noted that, in the past, residents had been asked on which items the Parish Council should best spend its flood mitigation budget.As no residents had come back with any suggestions at that time, this had made it difficult for the Parish Council to move forward.

d. Update on banking mandate:

The Clerk and Cllr M Herbert are to go to the bank to finalise matters.Action: clerk, Cllr M Herbert

e. Update on noticeboard: The noticeboard is ready for collection and installation. Action:  Cllr Waite, Cllr Curtis

f. Community Broadband installation grants:

Cllr J Machin advised on local broadband connectivity issues and the possibility of local grants to upgrade the service. Cllr I Fleetwood suggested using Quickline; and noted that LCC grants are available but that it is a ‘long, torturous process, needing commitment from residents, the Parish Council and others’. 

Cllr A Welburn reported on a similar situation in a nearby parish which had taken years to get anywhere.

RESOLVED for Cllr J Machin to pass his details to Cllr A Welburn on behalf of himself, residents and businesses of the area suffering poor service. Action:  Cllr J Machin.

Proposed:  Cllr J Machin, seconded: Cllr R Waite.  All in favour.

g. Report of non-delivery of Langworth Local to Barlings Lane:

Noted that the coordinator of the distribution team is the correct contact for this matter.

Another matter, concerning the non-inclusion of information, was mentioned – advice is to contact the editor.

11. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 1st March 2022, 7.30pm, Langworth Memorial Hall

Meeting ended at 8.55pm.

Michelle Vail – Clerk/RFO to the Council

Dated: 8 February 2022


LANGWORTH GROUP PARISH COUNCIL - BANK RECONCILIATION 1st Jan - 31st Jan 2022                                                   

CURRENT ACCOUNT, ACCOUNTS PAID                                                   






LCC PENSION, £167.88

LL EDITOR, £175.62


SAGE, £ 8.40,



DEPOSIT ACCOUNT                                                        







Accounts for Payment in February                                                                           

Office Utilities Internet, Feb, M Vail, £22.50

Mileage, 12 miles @45p/mile post notices, M Vail, £5.40

M Vail, reimburse up to £500 (CSW equipment), £500.00

Langworth Local Editor, Inv 036, £175.62

Lonsdale Print, Estimated, £142.00

Parish Clerk Salary, Feb, M Vail, £566.58

Welton PC play area inspection, £20.00

Sage payroll, £8.40

Pension, Feb, £167.88

TOTAL, £1608.38


Ear Marked Reserves                                                                    

Elections reserve, £4,000.00                       

VAS sign installation, £4,000.00                  

Grant expenditure, £1,900.00                    

Total, £9,900.00