1 October 2024 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council   
Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby
E:mail: langworthgroupparishcouncil@gmail.com
Minutes of the Meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council held at 
Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 1 October 2024 
Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), P Bowser, A Curtis, R Waite, K Tyrrell, S Taylor, H Stilgoe-McCombe, 
A Hyatt, J Jarvis, Mrs M Vail (Clerk), C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr M Palmer.  
There were no members of the public.
Meeting began at 7.30pm
1. Public Forum: No members of the public were present.
2. Apologies: D/Cllr C Darcel, D/Cllr T Bridgwood.
3. Declarations of Interest: Cllr K Tyrrell in respect of item 15.
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2024:
             With a minor amendment to item 8, RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 10
             September 2024 as a true record, and these were duly signed. Action: Clerk.
             Proposed: Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.  All in favour. 
5. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman:
C/Cllr I Fleetwood:
o LCC are writing to Government to support reinstatement of the winter fuel payment. They are also lobbying Government to keep funding in place for the Lincoln Southern bypass.
o The Environment Agency have begun work at Fiskerton to address the slippage issue on the riverbank. This is planned to be a 3-month project.
o briefly explained the Fenland 2100 Project
o S.19 investigations continue to progress.
D/Cllr M Palmer:
o A budget meeting has been held, and the outlook for the next two years looks dire. It is not known how Devolution will alter matters.
o Following a suggestion by the police that WLDC could help with poor parking (from an unsocial activities perspective), D/Cllr M Palmer will investigate. Noted that LCC holds the responsibility for parking matters.
No matters to report.
6. Appoint a Vice-Chairman:
No nominations were received.
7. To review the Action Log:
             Many jobs have been completed.  Updates on outstanding jobs include: 
o Neighbourhood Plan: Under Government legislation, local authorities can impose restrictions.
Cllr A Hyatt will liaise with the Witham Valley Access Group (footpath/cycle network).
o Lych gate: a contractor is lined up for the woodwork.  A separate quote is still required for the roof.
o Community Emergency Plan: Memorial Hall Committee members have volunteered to fill empty positions. The Plan template asks for Snow and Flood Procedures which will cover the period until the emergency services arrive. Action: Cllr M Herbert, Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe.
o Extra SID post for railway end of village: item for November meeting as part of budget setting.
o Traffic concerns on Bardney Road: Action: Cllr R Waite will follow up on initial enquiries for signage to advise of pedestrians and agricultural machinery.
8. Clerks Report
a) To receive the financial report for Aug/Sept 2024: 
RESOLVED to approve the financial report. Action: Clerk 
Proposed: Cllr S Taylor, seconded: Cllr K Tyrrell.  All in favour
b) Approval of any non-regular payments for October 2024:
Replacement noticeboard for Barlings Lane at  1491.60 inc VAT.
RESOLVED to approve payment.  Action: Clerk
Proposed: Cllr S Taylor, seconded: Cllr K Tyrrell.  All in favour
9. Correspondence:
To note: 
a) Police crime stats Aug 2024: Noted.
             Action Required:  
a) LCC request to check grit bins for damage, and if they are less than half full:
Action:  Cllr M Herbert to check bins, and to map their locations.
b) Witham Valley Access Group offer of presentation at Annual Parish Meeting 2025, and questions about Parish Paths Partnership scheme:
RESOLVED to accept the offer of a presentation and for the Clerk to respond to the questions raised.  Action: Clerk.
Proposed: Cllr S Taylor, seconded: Cllr K Tyrrell.  All in favour
10. ROSPA Play Inspection Report:
The ROSPA inspection is carried out annually and overarches the quarterly inspections undertaken by a local company.  There is budget allocated towards equipment maintenance work; and there is a budget reserve towards new play equipment.
The Memorial Hall Committee have put forward a draft agreement for consideration, which includes the play area   this is to be discussed in Closed Session at the end of the meeting.
o Cllr J Jarvis will review play inspection reports and bring recommendations to a future meeting for consideration
o Cllr J Jarvis to arrange to meet internal play inspector.
o Clerk to book Cllr J Jarvis on Play Inspector course.
11. Community Speed Watch (CSW):
A new volunteer has come forward and, subject to their completing the required training, the CSW scheme can now begin operating.
12. Grass cutting specification:
The existing specification was reviewed. 
A proposal by Cllr P Bowser to remove the July cut and move it to May/June was subsequently withdrawn.
RESOLVED to accept the following proposal that there be:
o A 1st cut at the beginning of March, then in April, May, June, July, September and October.
o There to be no cut in August, and an extra cut to be put into June
             Action: Clerk to obtain quotes
Proposed: Cllr R Waite, seconded: Cllr A Curtis.  All in favour
13. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 5th November 2024, 7.30pm, Memorial Hall
14. Resolve to move into Closed Session as the following item contains information of a confidential or sensitive nature:
             RESOLVED to move into Closed Session.
             At 8.20pm, C/Cllr I Fleetwood and D/Cllr M Palmer left the meeting.
15. Letter from Memorial Hall   draft agreement:
Following the September Parish Council meeting, Cllr M Herbert, Cllr A Hyatt and the Clerk had met with three representatives of the Memorial Hall Committee to discuss the draft agreement. 
After consideration, RESOLVED that, moving forward, the Parish Council will liaise on all matters with the Chair of the Memorial Hall Committee.
Proposed: Cllr A Hyatt, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.  All in favour
Action:  Cllr M Herbert to respond to MHC Chair regarding draft agreement.
Meeting ended at 8.56pm.
Michelle Vail   Clerk/RFO to the Council                                                  Dated: 10 October 2024