January 2025 Minutes

Langworth Group Parish Council   
Serving the grouped parishes of Barlings, Newball, Stainton by Langworth and Reasby
E:mail: langworthgroupparishcouncil@gmail.com
Minutes of the Meeting of Langworth Group Parish Council held at 
Langworth Memorial Hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday 7 January 2025 
Present:  Cllrs M Herbert (Chairman), P Bowser, A Curtis, R Waite, K Tyrrell, S Taylor, H Stilgoe-McCombe, 
A Hyatt, J Jarvis,), C/Cllr I Fleetwood, D/Cllr C Darcel, D/Cllr M Palmer, D/Cllr.  
There were no members of the public.
Meeting began at 7.32pm
1. Public Forum: No members of the public were present.
2. Apologies: Mrs M Vail (Clerk. No apologies were provided from Councillors. However, due to illness
the Clerk/RFO to the Council Michelle Vail was not present. The Chairman ran the
Meeting and Cllr A Hyatt took notes for the minutes.
3. Declarations of Interest: None.
4. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2024:
             RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd December 2024 as a true record, and these were duly signed. Action: Chair
             Proposed: Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe, seconded: Cllr P Bowser.  All in favour.
5. Comments from County Councillor, District Councillors and Chairman:
C/Cllr I Fleetwood:
o noted recent wet weather and heavy rainfall had not resulted in homes being flooded   but only just. Anglian Water  do not deal with flood water  request for tanker to empty overflowing sewer tank on Scothern lane was  tardy .
o UK Government white paper (A Raynor) is bringing a change of government in Lincolnshire. Therefore District Council will cease to exist and two unitary councils to be established within this parliamentary session.  All our councillors will be stood down and one councillor appointed to unitary council for our area.  Details awaited
o The Government has  set a maximum of 5 % increase for Council Tax, in reality probably only 3 %  for WLDC   Awaiting further information
D/Cllr C Darcel: 
o reported that Short Ferry had very nearly flooded with only inches to spare under bridge arch! Noted sand bags were deployed in Scothern Lane. He reported that some property has become heavily devalued.  Reepham lane flooded worse than before. 
D/Cllr M Palmer:   
o Reported that food waste collection commenced this year for commercial properties, with domestic food waste collection starting next year.
o National Insurance  cost rise for employers impacting local businesses
       D/Cllr  T Bridgwood
o  Reported on BES site   the plans for which are on hold, with an appeal against the original decision expected. 
o Chair noted he had toured area on worst day and noted contaminated water
 again coming from manholes in Scothern lane. Reported that he has been to talk with residents in flood risk areas and found minor surface water in surrounding areas.
o Reported that he is taking on most admin in the clerk s absence.   Proposal to call in temporary cover via LALC with effect from next meeting.   Action  Chair 
Proposed Cllr M Herbert, seconded Cllr S Taylor. All in favour.  
6. Clerks Report - No Clerks Report
7. Correspondence: No Correspondence
8. Grass Cutting- Two quotes received Proposed to stay with Glendale Action: Clerk Proposed Cllr P Bowser Seconded Cllr K Tyrell. All in favour
9. Play area  Cllr J Jarvis  gave a recap of report submitted last meeting.    discussion re responsibilities and action required balanced against value for money.  Detailed report from Cllr Jarvis identifying priorities identified by inspectors and minor tweaks that are needed that could be done in house by volunteers.   Cllr Jarvis to enquire if bulk order qualifies for discount. A detailed costing and priorities as advised by inspector to be obtained by Cllr Jarvis.
Meeting in agreement that red items to be prioritised within budget and any work that can be done by volunteers to be identified.  
10. Finances- Agreed to set the precept at or below WLDC rates All agreed
11. Approve meeting dates for 2025:
, Feb 4th, Mar 4th, Apr 1st, May 6th, Jun 3rd, Jul 1st, Sep 2nd, Oct 7th, Nov 4th, Dec 2nd
Annual Parish Meeting April 1st
12. Date of the next meeting: Tuesday 4th February 2025, 7.30pm, Memorial Hall
Meeting ended at 8.31pm.
Cllr H Stilgoe-McCombe                                                  Dated: 17/1/25